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8 Ways To Identifying Lightning Strikes on Trees

Identifying Lightning Strikes on Trees and Navigating Aftermath

Nature’s awe-inspiring display of power often includes the breathtaking beauty of lightning dancing across the sky. Yet, this captivating force can also unleash lightning strikes on trees, leaving behind evidence of its impact. Identifying lightning strikes on trees is a complex endeavor that requires keen observation and understanding of the intricate signs left in the aftermath. In this article, we delve into the telltale clues that hint at a tree’s encounter with lightning and provide guidance on the steps to take to assess the tree’s condition and ensure its ongoing health.

Decoding the Signs of Lightning Strikes on Trees

Identifying a tree that has been struck by lightning involves examining various visual and physiological indicators. These signs can range from subtle to striking, and their presence may vary depending on the intensity of the lightning strike and the tree’s species. Here are some key clues to look for:

  1. Bark Damage: Lightning can cause the bark to be blown off in strips or patches. The force of the strike can lead to deep, vertical cracks or splits that extend down the trunk. These cracks may be accompanied by burnt or scorched bark.
  2. Exposed Wood: A lightning strike can remove sections of the bark, exposing the underlying wood. This exposed wood can appear blackened or charred due to the intense heat generated by the lightning.
  3. Splintered Branches: Lightning strikes can cause branches to splinter or shatter, leaving behind jagged, irregular edges. These broken branches may be scattered around the tree or still hanging precariously.
  4. Impact Scars: Lightning can create deep scars or gouges in the tree’s trunk, often surrounded by burnt or discolored wood. These scars can vary in size and shape.
  5. Leaves and Needles: In some cases, leaves or needles may appear wilted, discolored, or even scorched after a lightning strike. This is due to the disruption of the tree’s water-conducting tissues.
  6. Sap Flow: Lightning can cause the sap within the tree to boil and expand rapidly, leading to “bark popping” – the sudden expulsion of sap from the tree. This can result in dried or crystallized sap on the bark’s surface.
  7. Root Damage: Lightning’s electrical energy can travel through the tree’s vascular system, affecting the roots as well. Signs of root damage may include disrupted soil, uprooted trees, or signs of stress such as yellowing leaves and thinning foliage.
  8. Death of the Canopy: In severe cases, lightning strikes can lead to the death of the tree’s canopy. This may manifest as a sudden loss of leaves or a pronounced change in color throughout the tree’s foliage.

Assessing the Impact and Ensuring Safety

Upon discovering lighting strikes on trees, it’s important to assess the situation with caution and prioritize safety:

  1. Safety First: Approach the tree with caution, especially if you suspect it may be unstable or if there are downed power lines nearby. Always prioritize safety and avoid direct contact with the tree until you’ve assessed its condition.
  2. Examine the Trunk: Inspect the trunk for signs of bark damage, exposed wood, cracks, and scorch marks. Pay close attention to any unusual odors, such as a burnt smell, that may emanate from the tree.
  3. Check for Hanging Branches: If you notice broken or splintered branches that are still hanging in the canopy, they may pose a danger. If it’s safe to do so, consider removing or trimming these branches to prevent them from falling unpredictably.
  4. Assess Canopy Health: Examine the leaves or needles for signs of wilting, scorching, or unusual discoloration. If the majority of the canopy is affected, the tree’s overall health may be compromised.
  5. Consult a Professional: If you’re unsure about the severity of the damage or the tree’s safety, it’s advisable to consult a certified arborist or tree care professional. They have the expertise to assess the tree’s health and structural integrity accurately.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Taking Action: Restoration and Future Care

After lightning strikes on trees, a prompt and appropriate action can make a significant difference in its recovery and future well-being. Here’s what you can do to aid the tree’s restoration:

  1. Prune and Trim: If the tree has broken or damaged branches, carefully prune and remove them. This helps prevent further injury to the tree and minimizes the risk of falling debris.
  2. Inspect for Pests and Diseases: Lightning-struck trees are more vulnerable to pests and diseases due to weakened defenses. Regularly inspect the tree for signs of infestation or infection and address any issues promptly.
  3. Provide Adequate Water: Lightning strikes can disrupt the tree’s water-conducting tissues, leading to moisture stress. Ensure the tree receives sufficient water to support its recovery, especially during dry periods.
  4. Mulch Application: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the tree’s base to retain moisture, regulate temperature, and improve soil structure. However, avoid piling mulch against the trunk, as this can lead to rot.
  5. Monitor Growth: Keep a watchful eye on the tree’s growth and development in the months following the lightning strike. New growth is a positive sign of recovery.
  6. Consult a Professional: For complex cases or extensive damage, consulting a certified arborist or tree care professional is highly recommended. They can offer guidance on rehabilitation strategies tailored to the specific needs of the tree.

The encounter between trees and lightning is a testament to nature’s unpredictable and awe-inspiring forces. Identifying the signs of a lightning strikes on trees requires a discerning eye and an understanding of the intricate indicators left behind. While the aftermath of a lightning strike can be concerning, taking swift and informed action can contribute to the tree’s recovery and future health. Whether it’s inspecting for bark damage, assessing the tree’s canopy, or seeking professional advice, careful observation and strategic care can play a pivotal role in ensuring that these natural giants continue to thrive and grace the landscape with their enduring presence.

Forestry Mulching in Florida – Cultivating Sustainable Land Management

The Sunshine State of Florida, with its diverse ecosystems ranging from lush forests to sprawling wetlands, is home to a unique set of challenges and opportunities in land management. One innovative technique that has gained prominence in recent years is forestry mulching – a land-clearing and vegetation management method that offers a range of benefits for both environmental conservation and human development. From wildfire prevention to habitat restoration, forestry mulching has emerged as a sustainable approach to maintaining the delicate balance between nature and civilization in the state.

Understanding Forestry Mulching

Forestry mulching is a land management practice that involves the use of specialized machinery, often referred to as “mulchers” or “masticators,” to clear, shred, and recycle vegetation on a given area. These machines are equipped with a rotating drum or set of blades that effectively shred trees, shrubs, brush, and other vegetation into fine mulch. The mulch is left on the ground, where it acts as a natural soil cover and contributes to erosion control, weed suppression, and moisture retention.

In Florida, where ecosystems like the Everglades and various types of forests are integral to the state’s identity and ecology, forestry mulching has gained traction as a method of land management that balances human development needs with environmental preservation.

Benefits of Forestry Mulching in Florida

  1. Wildfire Prevention and Management: With its warm climate and dry periods, Florida is particularly susceptible to wildfires. Overgrown vegetation can serve as fuel for these fires, and the risk increases as communities expand into wildland-urban interface areas. Forestry mulching reduces the accumulation of dry brush and dead vegetation, creating defensible spaces that act as natural firebreaks. By breaking down the fuel load and reducing the likelihood of intense fires, forestry mulching contributes to safer communities and more efficient firefighting efforts.
  2. Invasive Species Control: Florida’s ecosystems are under constant threat from invasive plant species that can outcompete native vegetation and disrupt natural habitats. Forestry mulching is an effective tool for controlling these invasives, as it removes them without the use of chemical herbicides. By targeting invasive species and promoting the growth of native plants, mulching aids in habitat restoration and helps maintain the integrity of Florida’s delicate ecosystems.
  3. Erosion Control and Water Quality: Florida’s flat terrain and frequent heavy rains make erosion a pressing concern. The mulch left behind by forestry mulching acts as a protective cover for the soil, reducing erosion caused by rainfall and runoff. As the mulch breaks down over time, it enriches the soil with organic matter, improving its structure and water-holding capacity. Moreover, by preventing erosion and reducing sediment runoff, forestry mulching contributes to the preservation of water quality in Florida’s numerous water bodies.
  4. Habitat Restoration: In many cases, the goal of land management is not just about clearing vegetation but also about restoring and enhancing natural habitats. Forestry mulching facilitates this restoration process by creating a conducive environment for the growth of native plants. By removing invasive species and opening up space for the reestablishment of native flora, forestry mulching supports the return of wildlife that relies on these habitats, contributing to biodiversity conservation.
  5. Cost and Time Efficiency: Traditional land-clearing methods often involve the use of heavy machinery and intensive labor, leading to higher costs and longer project durations. Forestry mulching streamlines the process by combining the tasks of clearing and mulching into one step. This efficiency not only reduces costs for landowners and land managers but also minimizes the disruption to the surrounding environment.
  6. Aesthetic Enhancement: As Florida continues to experience urbanization and development, maintaining aesthetically pleasing landscapes becomes important for property owners, communities, and businesses. Forestry mulching offers a way to clear overgrown areas and create a cleaner, more visually appealing appearance while still preserving the natural ecosystem.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Challenges and Considerations

While forestry mulching offers a multitude of benefits, it’s essential to approach its implementation with careful consideration. One key aspect is ensuring that the method is used in appropriate contexts and with an understanding of the specific ecosystem’s needs. Some challenges include:

  1. Selective Clearing: It’s crucial to strike a balance between vegetation management and habitat preservation. In cases where forestry mulching is used to clear land for development, it’s essential to identify and protect ecologically sensitive areas and ensure that native species are not negatively impacted.
  2. Mulch Breakdown: While mulch contributes to soil health over time, it’s important to recognize that it takes some time to break down completely. In areas where quick revegetation is desired, additional measures may be needed to encourage the growth of desired plants.
  3. Risk of Spreading Pest Species: If not properly managed, mulch can inadvertently spread pests or diseases to new areas. Ensuring that machinery is clean and that mulching is not carried out in areas with infestations is crucial to preventing the unintended spread of pests.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the location and purpose of land-clearing, there may be regulations and permits required. It’s important to work with local authorities and environmental agencies to ensure that forestry mulching practices adhere to legal and environmental standards.

Forestry mulching has emerged as a powerful tool in Florida’s land management toolkit, offering a range of benefits that resonate with both environmental conservation and human development goals. As the state’s landscapes continue to evolve and adapt to the challenges of urbanization, climate change, and invasive species, forestry mulching presents a sustainable approach to maintaining the balance between nature and progress.

By preventing wildfires, controlling invasives, restoring habitats, and promoting erosion control, forestry mulching contributes to the resilience of Florida’s ecosystems and communities, embodying a vision of harmonious coexistence between the natural world and human endeavors. As land managers, policymakers, and stakeholders continue to explore innovative solutions for a sustainable future, the practice of forestry mulching is likely to play a significant role in shaping the landscapes of tomorrow’s Florida.

The Professionals

Florida Tree is here to help with all your forestry mulching needs. Give us a call to schedule a time to discuss your project and we can share the best way to accomplish your goals. There are things that you can do to take care of your trees, and understanding tree diseases in Florida. There are many instances that having a professional will be the best move.

Arborists are essentially tree doctors, trained in various botanical fields to know what’s wrong with your trees and how (or even if) they can be fixed! You should be sure to check out their credentials, though, and ensure that they are as experienced as they say they are. This way you can make sure that your trees are in the best hands. Give us a call today or complete our online form.

Hazardous Trees – Identifying and Professionally Removing

The trees on your property are not only beautiful additions to your landscape but also integral parts of the ecosystem. However, as guardians of your outdoor haven, it’s crucial to recognize and address the potential risks posed by hazardous trees. These trees, compromised by disease, damage, or structural issues, can pose threats to your safety, your property, and the environment. In this article, we delve into the art of identifying hazardous trees and the importance of seeking professional removal to ensure the well-being of your surroundings.

Recognizing Hazardous Trees

Visible Decay: Look for signs of decay such as cavities, mushrooms, or conks on the trunk or branches. Decay weakens the tree’s structure and makes it susceptible to breakage.

Leaning or Unstable Trees: Trees that are leaning significantly or have exposed roots may be unstable and at risk of falling, especially during storms.

Cracks or Splits: Deep cracks or splits in the trunk or branches can indicate structural weaknesses that compromise the tree’s stability.

Dead or Hanging Branches: Dead branches or those hanging precariously are hazardous, as they can fall unexpectedly and cause damage or injury.

Root Issues: Roots that are visibly damaged, decayed, or severed can impact the tree’s stability and ability to withstand wind or storms.

Cankers or Bark Damage: Cankers (sunken areas on the trunk) and extensive bark damage may indicate disease or pest infestations that weaken the tree.

Fungal Growth: The presence of fungi, such as mushrooms or conks, on the trunk or base of the tree is a sign of internal decay.

Proximity to Structures or Utilities: Trees that are too close to buildings, power lines, or other structures can pose a risk if they fall.

V-shaped Branch Unions: Trees with weak branch unions, especially those forming a narrow V-shape, are more prone to splitting.

Sudden Leaf Loss: Rapid leaf loss outside of the tree’s normal shedding season could indicate stress, disease, or root issues.

Why Professional Removal Matters

Safety First: Removing hazardous trees is a dangerous task that requires specialized knowledge, skills, and equipment. Professionals are trained to handle the complexities of tree removal safely.

Risk Mitigation: Tree removal experts assess the situation and determine the best approach to minimize risks to surrounding structures, people, and the environment.

Preserving Surroundings: Professionals take into account the surroundings, ensuring that neighboring trees, plants, and structures are not harmed during the removal process.

Efficient Removal: With the right tools and techniques, professionals can efficiently remove hazardous trees, reducing disruption to your property and daily life.

Stump Removal: Professional removal often includes stump grinding or complete removal, preventing regrowth and creating a clean, safe space.

Appropriate Disposal: Tree removal experts handle the disposal of debris and branches in an environmentally responsible manner, including recycling or repurposing wood.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Hiring a Qualified Tree Removal Service – Florida Tree

Credentials and Insurance: Ensure the tree removal company is licensed, insured, and certified by relevant arboriculture associations. This demonstrates their professionalism and commitment to safety.

Experience and Reputation: Research the company’s reputation and experience in the industry. Read reviews, ask for references, and assess their track record in similar projects.

Free Consultations and Quotes: Reputable companies offer free consultations and detailed quotes. Use this opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions, and clarify the removal process.

Safety Protocols: Inquire about the safety protocols and equipment the company uses during tree removal. A commitment to safety reflects a dedication to both their team and your property’s well-being.

Ask About Permits: Depending on your location, you may need permits for tree removal. A professional service should be familiar with local regulations and guide you through the process.

Comprehensive Services: Choose a company that offers a range of services, including tree assessment, removal, stump grinding, and post-removal clean-up.

The Tree Removal Process

Assessment: A certified arborist assesses the tree’s health, condition, and risks. They determine whether removal is necessary and discuss the best approach.

Safety Measures: Professionals take safety precautions, including securing the work area, using appropriate safety gear, and employing techniques to control falling debris.

Tree Removal: Using specialized equipment, the team systematically removes branches and sections of the tree. Care is taken to prevent damage to nearby structures.

Stump Removal: If requested, the stump is ground down or removed entirely, ensuring a smooth and safe surface.

Clean-Up: The removal team cleans up debris and ensures the area is left in a tidy condition.

Hazardous trees are not only a threat to your property and safety but also to the delicate balance of your outdoor environment. Identifying and addressing these trees promptly is a responsible step toward safeguarding your haven. By recognizing the signs of a hazardous tree, understanding the importance of professional removal, and selecting a qualified tree removal service, you contribute to the well-being of your surroundings and create a safer, more inviting outdoor space. Remember, the removal of hazardous trees isn’t just about preventing damage—it’s a proactive measure that fosters a harmonious coexistence between nature and your cherished living spaces.

The Professionals

There are things that you can do to take care of your trees, and understanding tree diseases in Florida. There are many instances that having a professional will be the best move. Arborists are essentially tree doctors, trained in various botanical fields to know what’s wrong with your trees and how (or even if) they can be fixed! You should be sure to check out their credentials, though, and ensure that they are as experienced as they say they are. This way you can make sure that your trees are in the best hands. Give us a call today or complete our online form.

4 Deadly Tree Diseases in Florida

Understanding tree diseases in Florida is important. Your trees are a vital part of your landscape and keeping them healthy should be at the forefront of your mind. Not only is having healthy trees something that’s aesthetically important, but they also need to stay structurally sound! If those trees get sick and lose their strength, then they could fall and do some serious damage. Knowing what kinds of tree diseases in Florida is common is always a good idea and understanding how professional arborists can help will enable you to keep your trees happy and healthy!

Fusiform Rust

This is one of the most destructive of the diseases that your trees can be afflicted by if you live in the Southeast. Fusiform rust is a stem disease that’s a fungus (Cronartium quercuum) that affects pine trees, particularly slash pines and loblolly pines. Let’s look at the symptoms of this tree diseases in Florida.

  • Cigar-shaped galls on the main stem of the tree.
  • Yellow-y orange blisters forming on said galls.
  • Rusty-looking spores that pop up when those infected parts burst open.

This disease is particularly bad, as it causes stem breakage that leads to instability. Treatments can include removing the bark from the infected parts of the tree and cutting out the infection, or fully removing it if it’s too far spread.


Another incredibly common disease for trees and shrubs in Florida is Ganoderma, which is caused by the pathogen Ganoderma lucidium sneaking into a tear in the roots or any other area and attacking the root system. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Leaves start to wilt and turn yellow.
  • Tree starts to lose vitality as the sap starts to decay.
  • Reddish brown conks form on lower part of the trunk.

Now, once the conks form it’s usually too late for the tree. There’s also not really an effective treatment, so you should make sure your plant’s roots are protected.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Laurel Wilt

If you have any trees in the Laurel family, then keep an eye out for Laurel Wilt. This is one of the tree diseases in Florida is caused by Raffaelea lauricola, which was originally introduced into the environment by the redbay ambrosia beetle (an invasive little guy). These are the common symptoms:

  • Leaves in the canopy will start to wilt and turn brown.
  • If you pull up the bark, there will be blue-black streaks underneath.
  • Teeny tiny holes filled with sawdust will start to appear all over.

This is not a reversible disease, so the best course of action is to remove the trees to prevent it from spreading. Be sure to burn or chip the infected tree, including the stump.

Oak Wilt

Oak trees are beloved in Florida for many reasons, but they are susceptible to a few different diseases, such as Oak Wilt. This is one of the tree diseases in Florida is caused by a fungus called Ceratocystis fagacearum, which attacks the vascular system of the oak. Common symptoms include:

  • Sudden wilting and early leaf drop.
  • Vascular streaking in the sapwood.
  • Black/gray fungal mats.

This disease can look like others, so getting a pro in to diagnose is the smartest move. If the tree is infected, it will need to be removed and destroyed by chipping or burning.

The Professionals

While there are things that you can do to take care of your trees,  and help understand tree diseases in Florida. There are many instances that having a professional will be the best move. Arborists are essentially tree doctors, trained in various botanical fields to know what’s wrong with your trees and how (or even if) they can be fixed! You should be sure to check out their credentials, though, and ensure that they are as experienced as they say they are. This way you can make sure that your trees are in the best hands. Give us a call today or complete our online form.

Live Edge Tables: The Perfect Blend of Nature and Design

Live edge tables are a popular choice for interior designers and homeowners who want to add a touch of nature and elegance to their living spaces. These tables are made from natural wood slabs with the live edge, or natural edge, of the wood left intact, providing a beautiful contrast between the organic and the refined. In this article, we will explore the history, design, construction, and benefits of live edge tables.

The History of Live Edge Tables:

Live edge tables have a rich history, dating back to the mid-20th century when the modernist movement first gained popularity. The movement embraced natural materials and organic forms, and live edge tables quickly became a favorite of designers and architects seeking to incorporate nature into their work.

Live Edge Tables Port Charlotte FloridaWhat are Live Edge Tables?

Live edge tables are made from natural wood slabs with the live edge, or natural edge, of the wood left intact. This means that the natural shape and texture of the wood are preserved, providing a beautiful contrast between the organic and the refined. The tables are often finished with a clear coating that protects the wood and highlights its natural beauty.

Types of Wood Used:

A variety of wood species can be used, each with its own unique characteristics and beauty. Some of the most popular woods used in live edge tables include walnut, oak, maple, cherry, and teak.

The Design of Live Edge Tables:

The design of live edge tables is inspired by nature and the unique characteristics of the wood used. The natural shape of the wood slab is often the centerpiece of the design, with the legs and other elements designed to complement and highlight the natural beauty of the wood. Tables are typically constructed from a single wood slab, which is carefully selected for its beauty and stability. The slab is then flattened, sanded, and finished to bring out the natural beauty of the wood. Legs and other elements are attached to the slab, often with traditional mortise and tenon joinery.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Benefits of Live Edge Tables:

These tables offer many benefits to homeowners and designers, including:

  • A unique and beautiful addition to any living space
  • A connection to nature and the beauty of natural materials
  • A durable and long-lasting piece of furniture
  • A wide range of design options to suit any style and taste\

Maintenance of Live Edge Tables:

Proper maintenance of live edge tables is essential to preserve their natural beauty and durability. Regular cleaning with a soft cloth and mild soap is recommended, and the table should be protected from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Periodic reapplication of a protective finish is also recommended to maintain the table’s beauty and protect it from damage.

Cost of Live Edge Tables:

The cost of the tables can vary widely depending on the size, wood species, and design of the table. Prices typically range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, with custom designs and rare wood species commanding higher prices.

Where to Buy Live Edge Tables:

Live edge tables can be purchased from a variety of sources, including furniture stores, online retailers, and custom woodworking shops. Buyers should carefully consider the reputation and quality of the seller before making a purchase to ensure they are getting a high-quality piece of furniture.

Live edge tables are a beautiful and unique addition to any living space, providing a connection to nature and the beauty of natural materials. Their rich history, unique design, and careful construction make them a durable and long-lasting piece of furniture that will be cherished for generations. If you are looking for a statement piece that blends nature and design, these tables may be the perfect choice.

The team at PCFTree can help you create that one of a kind table, bar or other piece of live edge furniture. Give us a call or complete the online form. We look forward to working with you.

7 Reasons When I Should Cut Down My Tree?

How do you know when its time to cut down my tree. Trees can be a beautiful part of any home’s landscaping. They provide shade, variety in plant life, the potential for fun, etc. However, there may come a day when a tree has to go. It may be for a change in landscaping, or it could be for the safety of your home and family. If you have any questions about how to know if you need to cut down a tree on your property, follow along in this article as we go over some of the top reasons that you may need to remove a tree.

Reasons I Should Cut Down My Tree

  • Hollow Trunk: If you’re finding hollow spots in your tree’s trunk, that is a sign that the structural integrity of the tree is declining. A weak trunk can’t support itself even if you start taking better care of it. These trees run the risk of collapsing on themselves and falling at any moment, putting you, your family, and your home in danger.
  • Dead/Dying branches: If you realize that there are more dead branches than healthy ones on your tree, that is a sign that your tree is suffering. If those dead branches are near the top, it’s highly dangerous because they could snap off at any moment. If more than half of the tree is dead or dying, it’s probably time to say goodbye.
  • Too Close for Comfort: Sometime a tree might have grown its way snugly up to your home. This is indeed a cause for concern. If those roots have made their way under the foundation of your home, they run the risk of damaging that foundation. If the branches are up against the side of your house, they could potentially cause mold to grow in those areas. If the problem is the roots, the tree must go. If it’s the branches, they can be trimmed back.
  • Leaning: Has a tree in your yard turned in The Leaning Tower of Pisa? That is a sign that the tree has reached the end of the line and will likely fall over soon. Taking care of cutting it down before it can fall will protect your home from risk.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

  • Dead/Dying Leaves and Bark: If you’ve noticed a lot of dead leaves or damaged tree bark, this could be a sign that your tree has caught some type of disease that is weakening it and its time to to cut down my tree. This could cause it to be prone to falling or breaking, even with best care practices. Sometimes you can remove the diseased portions, but other times it’s just better for the whole tree to go.
  • Storm Damage: If you’re in an area that gets a lot of heavy storms (cough cough Florida), then you’ll know a little something about this. High winds and lightning can do a number on trees, which can damage them to the point of needing some serious work to see if they can recover. You may be able to take off just the damaged parts, but sometimes it just does too much damage and it isn’t worth keeping the tree.
  • Dead Tree: Even if you have a structurally sound dead tree, if it stays on your property, it could become a veritable feast for all sorts of little buggies, which will eventually take the tree down. This could risk damage to you or your home. Another sign its time to cut down my tree.

While we sometimes get very connected to the trees at our home, we also need to know when it’s time to let them go. We hope this article has given you an idea of what to keep an eye out for, and if you ever aren’t sure, you can always reach out to the pros!

The team at PCFTree can help you clean up and remove trees around your home safely.  Give us a call or complete the online form and we will get you an estimate to get your property in shape. We can apply for permits on your behalf if needed. We look forward to working with you.

You Can Legally and Safely Trim Mangroves – But Should You?

Many of the coastal areas in Florida are filled with mangroves, which are gorgeously complicated-looking trees. A lot of people who live in those areas may want to trim mangroves to improve their view of the coast, but this comes with some risks to the mangrove trees. If you’re interested in learning about how to properly trim mangroves, or if you even can, then keep reading!

Why Should I Be Careful if I Decide to Trim Mangroves?

Mangroves, for all of their beauty, are a delicate but important piece of the ecosystem in Florida. If they get trimmed incorrectly, they could easily get damaged and die. If that happens, then that throws the entire ecosystem in that area out of whack, causing environmental issues such as land erosion, poor water quality, loss of wildlife, and more. That is why a large number of people in the landscaping business will tell you that hiring a professional mangrove trimmer is the safest way to go about this.

Best Practices for DIY

If you are set on taking on this project yourself, then you will need to know about all regulations relating to mangrove trimming. The “Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act” was passed in 1996, intending to balance the rights of homeowners to trim and the safety of the mangrove environment. Let’s look at some of these regulations:

  • Homeowners are allowed to trim mangroves themselves only within a set height range. If the mangrove in question is between 6ft and 10ft, a homeowner may trim it themselves. If the tree is under 6ft, it isn’t allowed to be trimmed. If it’s over 10ft, you are required to have a professional mangrove trimmer take care of it.
    • For mangroves over 16ft, the trimming is required to be done in stages over a few years. Over 24ft and you’ll need DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) authorization.
  • If a mangrove has been legally trimmed previously, homeowners can do so as long as it maintains the previous height and structure.
  • If your property shoreline is over 150ft, then you are allowed to trim about 65% of the mangrove trees along that.

Any other trimming or alteration of mangroves requires a permit. Professional tree trimming and arborists know how to trim mangroves and fully comply with these regulations, from obtaining permits to proper maintenance.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Risks of Not Following the Rules

There are actual repercussions for not following all environmental regulations. After a first-time offense, homeowners might be required to restore that area. If there are any further violations, then you get into the realm of being fined.

  • You could owe up to $100 for each mangrove that you trim illegally.
  • You could owe up to $250 for each mangrove altered illegally.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding whether or not you should trim a mangrove on your property, you can always reach out to your local environmental officials to make sure you can do so. You can also check out the Mangrove Trimming Guidelines for Homeowners on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection website.

Mangroves are an essential part of the Florida coastal ecosystem, so making sure that they are taken care of properly is incredibly important. This includes proper trimming, as they can overgrow and cause issues. They can devalue properties by blocking the view or obstructing the docks. They could also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes if they grow too wild. Ensuring that you follow all regulations for caring for the mangrove trees on your property is the best way to keep your home beautiful and your mangroves healthy. We hope this has been a helpful article for you, and we’ll see you next time!

The team at PCFTree can help you clean up and trim mangroves on your property. Don’t risk fines or safety when working around water. Give us a call or complete the online form and we will get you an estimate to get your property in shape. We can apply for permits on your behalf if needed, and we also offer plans to trim your mangroves on a regular schedule. We look forward to working with you.

3 Keys to Understanding a Tree Stump Grinder

A tree stump grinder is just about a necessity when you don’t want to kill your back. When you’re trying to remove a stump by yourself, it can be hard to imagine the process. Even when you hire someone to help, it’s tough to know how much time and money you’ll spend on this project. Stump grinding is the process of removing tree stumps, roots, and other obstructions from your property.

It’s best to remove these obstacles before attempting to plant anything new on your land, as they can damage delicate root systems and cause problems for young plants. We get it, sounds a little confusing and expensive. That’s why we want to explain what happens during a typical stump grinding session so that you can decide whether or not it’s worth the cost and effort.

What is a Tree Stump Grinder?

Imagine a lawnmower and a circular saw mashed together. That’ll give you a general image to keep in your head! They are made to roll up to the stump in question and then grind it away. How does it do that? Hop on into the next section for that.

What Does a Tree Stump Grinder Do?

Tree stump grinding is a messy process. The way the tree stump grinder works is that it essentially chews away at the surface of the stump, turning it into wood chips, until they take it all the way down to below ground level. There will be a lot of wood chips afterward, but the good news is that those chips can be used as mulch and placed right back into the new hole from your stump removal.

The cost of tree stump grinding varies depending on several factors: the size of the stump, depth underground, accessibility/location relative to structures such as fences and driveways, location within an urban area versus a rural setting, etc.; it can all adds up quickly. Also, keep in mind that labor costs must be included when figuring out how much it’ll cost for a professional to come out there with their big machines so the job can be done properly without damaging anything else on site.

This may require digging around underground to figure out where everything needs to be cut away first before starting work properly and without causing any unnecessary damage nearby during the process.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

What kind of Tree Stump Grinders are there?

There are a few different varieties of tree stump grinders to match any job you’ve got. There are lightweight options for smaller stumps, all the way up to heavy-duty grinders for the big ones.

  • Walk-behind grinders: These are smaller and lighter, making them nice and portable.
  • Rear-hitch wheeled grinders: These are bigger, and meant to be hooked up to a trailer for transport and then rolled over to the work area.
  • Riding grinder: Think small tractor, which is controlled from up in a seat.
  • Skid grinders: These are built like tanks with continuous wheel treads, good for big jobs.
  • You can also find tree stump grinder attachments.


As you can see, tree stump grinding is a great way to get rid of those pesky stumps in your yard. You do have the ability to rent a smaller stump grinder if you want to attempt to grind away a stump on your own time. Stump grinding has its share of risks, so knowing how to do it properly and safely is key. Sharp wood debris can fly anywhere during this process, so make sure that you have the proper protective gear if you’re going to DIY.

Just remember that it’s fast, efficient, and convenient for anyone who doesn’t have the equipment or know-how to do it themselves to simply hire a pro. They have the knowledge and the skills necessary to get the job done quickly and correctly!

The team at PCFTree can help you clean up unsightly tree stumps on your property. Keeping your trees healthy is an important part of protecting your investment. We look forward to working with you!

Why Do Trees Blow Over? 3 Tips to Prevent

Why do trees blow over when storms roll through here in southwest Florida. Other damages can include area flooding, downed electrical lines, etc. The worst of them (and actually the cause of some power outages) is when trees topple over. We have seen root system pull up and break water services to homes and irrigation systems as well. They can cause serious damage, but one thing that many people wonder about is what causes them to blow over? Today’s article will talk about some of the issues that cause trees to fall over during storms, as well as some ways to minimize the risk.


There are several things that could be the cause of trees blow over during a storm. Here are the big 3 that are the highest probability.

  • Weak roots: If the tree is of the variety that has a shallow root structure or that the roots of which are unhealthy, then they won’t be able to hold on when the heavy rain and wind come through. This is also sometimes called the wind-throw effect, for obvious reasons. Now, some trees are more susceptible to this. Trees with shallow roots like cottonwood, willows, and poplars have a higher risk of falling during storms when the ground gets soft. This is where our arborist can check your trees and provide the tree with vitamins and fertilizers if needed, especially with our Arborjet system.
  • Rot in the tree: Sometimes, a tree can get injured. Lawn maintenance accidents, previous storms, vandalism, etc. can all cause a break in the tree’s protective layer. It’s through this injury that little decay-causing fungi can get in and start to rot the entire tree over time. This can weaken the tree and make it easier to knock over.
  • Weak branch unions: If a tree doesn’t have strong branch unions, then there are higher chances of limbs breaking off. Where that breakage occurs, there comes the possibility of rot setting in. Keeping your tree healthy can also mean keep your trees properly trimmed. 

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Risk Management

If trees blow over because the wind is severe enough, is there anything you can do? You can do some work ahead of storm season to see if your trees are doing ok. Take some time to go over the trees on your property. Inspect them for any damage from all angles. If you find any, check for rot. It can be recognized by things like hollow areas, mushrooms, bulges, or large cracks.

If more than 40% of the tree has these noticeable issues, then it should be considered a high-risk tree. You should also check the areas of the ground near your trees. See if there are any large cracks, if the soil is too dry or too wet, etc. All of these things are signs that you should see about having someone remove it before the start of storm season.

trees blow over rotSo Why Do Trees Blow Over?

When storms take down trees, there is a huge risk of damage to power lines, cars, houses, and more. Understanding the trees in your landscaping and how they may be impacted in rough weather is the key to protecting yourself. You should know what your trees look like when they’re healthy so you can recognize when they are showing signs of not being in perfect condition.

You should also, if you’re starting your landscaping from scratch, take into consideration the root structure of the trees you want to use. If you know you live in an area that will get heavy storms, then choose trees that have a strong root system that will get deep in there and be able to hold their grip. Your trees don’t have to be the downfall (pun intended) of your property during storm season. Take the right precautions and you can rest assured that you and yours can stay as safe as possible.

The team at PCFTree can help to make sure your property is ready for possible storms and helping prevent your trees blow over. Keeping your trees healthy is an important part of protecting your investment. We look forward to working with you!

Tree Care Guide – Part 1 After a Hurricane

This tree care guide will help especially with so many hurricanes happening in Florida, a lot of people have found that their trees have suffered major damage.

If you have had problems with trees being damaged in a hurricane, below are some tips that you can use to help your trees and your landscape get back to normal.

Saving Trees

If you want to try and save your trees, you’ll be happy to know that a lot of trees that are down can be set right. Below are some tips that you can use to help with saving the trees.

  • Cover your trees’ roots so that they’re moist until you’re able to work more on them.
  • Work on pruning your tree’s root system so that it can be put back into the ground. You should also dig out the soil under the exposed roots, being careful not to break the roots. This is very important.
  • Right your tree and stake it, leaving the stake there for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Water the tree each day for 2-4 weeks. If it rains, less will be okay. Keep the area of the roots moist for a few months.

Pruning Trees

If you want to preserve your tree after a hurricane, follow this tree care guide and pruning is essential. It’s also important to prune them regularly too, since if you don’t prune them before, a big storm is going to do it. Here are more pruning tree care guide suggestions to follow.

  • Thoroughly examine your trees for any cracks in their trunks and their major limbs. The remainder of the tree should be removed if over half of its canopy’s badly damaged or gone.
  • When pruning the canopy, make sure it’s equally pruned so that your tree isn’t struggling to keep the leaves hydrated when it’s also trying to grow some new roots. On a mango tree, you can leave 20-50% of the leaves without worrying if it’s going to bounce back. The same goes for avocado trees.
  • Use a pruning or chain saw to clean up jagged ends and cut it at angles.
  • Don’t use any pruning paint since it will seal fungi inside the tree.
  • If there are larger broken branches, they should be pruned to where that branch forks if its bark’s intact.
  • If you’re cutting one of the big branches to its trunk, save its branch collar, which is the area that is raised where the branch came from.
  • When there is bark that is newly exposed, whitewash it using a latex paint that isn’t oil based so that your tree doesn’t get sunburn, which can happen.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

What To Plant

Maybe you want to buy some new plants after a hurricane and you’re wondering what is a good choice to plant. Below are some suggestions on what you should plant.

  • Trees – Tabebuia and ficus trees fall easily, so you want to choose something that’s heartier. One tree that holds up well in hurricanes are poincianas, but this tree’s roots can be a problem when they’re planted close to a building. Avocado and mango trees, since they adapt well to conditions. You should also remember that when you plant a tree that is new, you should choose one that is small so that it can develop the right root system.
  • Butterfly garden – Choose plants that are going thrive in sunlight. A scarlet milkweed will draw queen, monarch, and soldier butterflies. Firebush will draw the beautiful zebra longwings. Another good choice is giant milkweed, which is resistant to drought and native to the area.
  • Shrubs – It’s a good idea to surround a butterfly garden with some shrubs. This will help with protecting the butterflies from strong winds. Another good choice is leaving them some wet sand in a saucer so they can drink water. Some good choices are wax myrtle, Spanish Stopper, and spice wood.

These are the things that you can do after you have had a hurricane and you want to save your trees or you want to plant some new ones. They’ll help your landscape look beautiful and help you get back to a sense of normalcy.

Tree Care Guide – Have More Questions?

Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, tree care guide, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

6 Reasons to Quickly Remove a Tree Stump

How do you remove a tree stump when you had to cut down a tree after the hurricane? Have you thought about how to remove a stump? If you had to cut down trees you know how difficult it can be to try and remove the stumps on your own. So you might think that it’s not a big deal to leave it in the ground, it will just rot away. In theory thats true, but here are some reasons why it’s better to have the stump removed and ways to quickly remove a tree stump. Florida Tree can show you how to get rid of those stumps in one day! Just check out the tips below.

A Tree Stump Isn’t Pretty

When it comes to aesthetics, stumps aren’t attractive. If you want a nice looking yard, one of the things that you want to do is to remove your stump. Tree stumps are unsightly and actually look like you don’t care much for the look of your yard. It’s possible they could even affect the value of your home, with the new homeowner knowing they will need to get them out of there.

They are trip hazards, can be homes for and attract pests. The tree itself can sent up new growths, the roots continue to grow and can also cause problems. Once the stump eventually starts to rot, it can take years and continue to break into smaller pieces for years.

They Can Be Hazardous

They are dangerous to kids and pets. When they are playing and running in the yard, they probably aren’t looking for the stump. As we mentioned above, that they can trip over it. They also can damage the lawn mower if you hit one accidentally when you’re mowing. They can damage your mower, the blades and even people around. Pieces of the rotting stump can be thrown by your mower and hit people, break windows and damage property. Its just not worth the the risk not to remove a tree stump!

New Trees Can Grow Out Of Them

Sometimes when you leave the stump behind it can mean that some new trees are growing out of it and growing around it. This can make the yard unsightly and also can be very expensive since those shoots can continue to come back. You might need to use chemicals for completely killing them off. No one wants to use more chemicals than are actually need in our yards. They are not good for the environment or our families. The little trees also can leech the nutrients from the plants that are close to them. This means that your flowers aren’t going to get the nutrients needed.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Annoying To Go Around

When a tree stump remains, they are a nuisance and an obstacle that you have to find your way around when you are mowing or weeding the lawn. We have seen some on the edge of driveways as well. Driving over a stump on purpose or accident can be a real problem. Catching the underneath of your car could lead to thousands of dollars in repairs. Its much cheaper to quickly remove a tree stump then paying for damages to your vehicles, or someone that is visiting your house!

A Stump Attracts Insects

When stumps are left in the lawn, the tree is decaying, and it will take a while before it rots completely. When it’s decaying, it is going to attract bugs like ants, beetles and termites. Even though this doesn’t seem like a big problem, it can be when they move from your stump to your house. Why give pests an invitation to get even close to your home.

They Use Up Space In The Yard

This is a problem if you don’t have a really big yard. The space you’re losing from your roots and stump takes away from the amount of space that you can enjoy. This space can be used for a table or flowerbed, or even a swing set for your kids. The roots can be on the surface depending on the type of tree. They could interfere with your garden as well.

How to Quickly Remove a Tree Stump

The best way is to give us a call. Your friends over at Florida Tree and Ground Maintenance have decades of experience. We also have the best equipment in the area. We can safely remove your trees, including the tree stumps. Each tree and situation is different. We can share with you the options to grind the stump down below the ground, or completely dig it out of the ground. The cost if far less to quickly remove a tree stump now than having it annoy you and have problems for years.

14 Beautiful Florida Oak Trees

14 Florida Oak Trees

Florida oak trees are some of the most beautiful trees in the world. Oaks are characteristically large and wide, with thick solid trunks covered in acorns, oblong leaves, and graying bark.

There are many different types of Florida oak trees; about 19 are native to the area. Different species of oak trees grow in different regions of the state. White and red oak trees typically live in the north. Southern live oaks live throughout the state.

Florida is perfect for oak trees as they do best in full sun and don’t mind humid conditions. Florida oak trees live for 300 years or more, and some species can grow over 100 feet tall.

How to identify a Florida Oak tree

Each Florida oak is unique. This guide will help you identify the Florida oaks around you.

White Oak

Size: The white oak will be the largest tree on this list. They typically grow to be 80 to 150 feet tall. Their trunks need to be wide to support their height. They are usually around 3-5 feet in diameter.

Leaves and flowers: Leaves are a dull green color, and the leaves are lobed, giving them their characteristic shape.

Red Oak

Size: The red oak is slightly smaller than the white oak, but it might not be discernible at first. Red oaks grow to be about 100-130 feet tall and can have a wider trunk at 3-6 feet in diameter.

Leaves and flowers: Its leaves are shiny and green, with dark, almost black, bark.

Willow Oak

Size: Willow oaks might be slightly smaller than the red oak. They can grow 80-130 feet tall and have a similar truck to the red oak, 3-6 feet when mature.

Leaves and flowers: The willow oak has long, light green leaves that give the tree its “willow” appearance.

Bluejack oak

Size: The Bluejack oak will be easy to tell apart from the trees above. The bluejack oak stand at 30 feet maximum.

Leaves and flowers: The bluejack has long and thin leaves. The upper leaf surface is an ashy, slue green and the lower is a silvery green.

Swamp White oak

Size: They can live in flood areas and usually stand about 70 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: Their flowers are large and green with fuzz on the bottom of the leaves.

Chinkapin oak

Size: The Chinkapin oak is also smaller, like the bluejack. They typically grow from 10-30 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: They have yellowish-green leaves that will turn gold and red in the autumn.

Chapman’s oak

Size: An evergreen oak that stands about 24 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: The Chapman’s oak had very thick and almost leathery leaves with thick veins. The leaves are very dark green on the top of the tree and grey on the lower area.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Laurel oak

Size: The laurel oak is a dense tree that stands 60 feet tall. Their trunks are 4 feet wide, and their canopy takes up a lot of space.

Leaves and flowers: They have oval-like shiny green leaves.

Post oak

Size: The post oak is relatively small for an oak tree and will stand about 40-50 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: The canopy of a post oak is very dense, and their leaves have thick lobes.

Shumard oak

Size: the Shumard can grow up to 80 feet in height but are more narrow than most oaks.

Leaves and flowers: They have dark green leaves that turn red and orange in the fall.

Myrtle oak

Size: Myrtle oak is an evergreen tree that can grow to 25 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: Their leaves are elliptic, oblong, or oval and are 1 to 3 inches long and 2 inches wide. They are usually very dark green on top and yellow-green below. There are usually no flowers on the myrtle oak.

Water oak

Size: Water oaks can grow to about 75 feet in height.

Leaves and flowers: The water oak has spatulate leaves that are 3-4 inches long and 2 inches wide. The male plant has flowers that hang from the branches like caterpillars, called hanging catkins.

Running oak

Size: The running oak is a small shrub-like tree. It normally doesn’t grow more than 3 feet tall but can be up to 6 feet tall.

Leaves and flowers: The running oak has long, oblong leaves.

Southern live oak

Size: The southern live oak has a 6-foot-wide trunk that curves as it grows. It has large branches that can grow 80 feet high.

Leaves and flowers: The southern live oak has evergreen leaves. These oaks usually have Spanish moss attached to them.


There are many different types of Florida Oak trees. We hope this list is helpful. Of course you don’t need to guess about what trees you have and how to keep them healthy. Our certified arborist, Nick Mayl, can help you keep all your trees healthy. A healthy tree is a safe tree, especially when it’s around your home and family.

8 Damaging Florida Invasive Trees

8 Florida Invasive Trees

Florida invasive trees can damage native trees and plants. Especially since Florida has such a rich ecosystem of plants. Unfortunately, Florida is also an area with an increasing number of invasive plant life.

Florida invasive trees and plants can affect the health of entire forests and ecosystems, increase costs to manage ecosystems, and endanger local animals. Invasive plants can cause harm to local plants, especially those that are already endangered, and change the natural impacts that fire and water have on a landscape. If you think you have any of these plants, contact our arborist that can answer any questions and help remove unwanted or unsafe trees.

According to the Florida Forest Service, approximately one-third of the Florida invasive trees and plant species that grow on their own without cultivation are non-native. These plants should never be planted by anyone living in Florida.


Native to: Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, New Caledonia


Scientific name: Melaleuca quinquenervia


About: The Melaleuca tree was first brought to Florida to act as a shade or windbreaking tree. In the 1930’s it was planted on Lake Okeechobee to stabilize the levees that are present there.


The impact: The Melaleuca is invasive because of its ability to spread its seeds far and fast in the wind. It can grow in almost all climates, including in the water. These Florida invasive trees have been devastating in the Everglades. You can see the Melaleuca taking over acres of the Everglades, which has altered water flow and impacted wildlife.


Brazilian peppertree

Native to: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay


Scientific name: Schinus terebinthifolia


About: The Brazilian Peppertree can cause dermatitis, much like poison ivy or oak. It is in the same Anacardiaceae family as poison ivy and oak.


The impact: This tree is one of the most aggressive in Florida. It is very dense and blocks sunlight for all native species around it. Their seeds have a 70-100% survival rate, making it easy for them to duplicate.


Australian pine

Native to: Australia, South Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia


Scientific name: Casuarina species


About: Although these plants are referred to as pines, they aren’t actually conifers at all. They are typically found in Central and South Florida.


The impact: The Australian pine works to displace other native species and changes entire communities of plants. They have an extremely aggressive growth rate that overwhelms other species.


Camphor tree

Native to: China, Taiwan, Korea


Scientific name: Cinnamomum camphora


About: The Camphor tree was imported in 1875 and was used in Camphor production. Now, it is not used in any production but has made its way into the natural ecosystems in Florida.


The impact: These trees mostly invade dry areas, like the side of roads. The Camphor tree is one of the main reasons the Florida jujube is now endangered.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Mimosa Tree

Native to: Tropical Asia


Scientific name: Albizia julibrissin


About: The Mimosa tree was imported in the mid-1700s and was used as decoration. These Florida invasive trees are very fragrant and has beautiful flowers, which is why people still grow this tree today.


The impact: The mimosa tree grows in almost any soil and quickly grows back if damaged. It is very dense, so it steals sunlight from surrounding plants. It frequently becomes an issue on water banks because its seeds can be transported by water.


Orchid tree

Native to: India, China


Scientific name: Bauhinia variegate


About: Because of its beautiful flowers, the Orchid tree was brought here in the 1930s. It mainly grows in the Central and Southern Florida.


The impact: The Orchid tree is highly invasive, despite its beautiful appearance. It is very fast growing and can live in almost all landscapes, which makes it hard to remove.


Lead tree

Native to: Mexico and Central America


Scientific name: Leucaena leucocephala


About: The Lead tree has been used in timber production and green manure. It was also an ornamental tree that helped people control erosion and provided shade.


The impact: The Lead tree grows very quickly and is unfazed by drought. These Florida invasive treed are also very dense and kills native plants by stealing their sunlight.


Tung Oil tree

Native to: Central and West China, Vietnam


Scientific name: Vernicia fordii


About: The Tung Oil tree is incredibly toxic to wildlife and humans. In some cases, it can be fatal. They were originally planted for their seeds but were also beloved because of their beauty. Their seeds are used in the products of a lot of household items, including paint, resins, artificial leather, and varnishes.


The impact: Tung Oil trees spread their seeds very effectively. They don’t take over areas very quickly, but they survive in many environments, making them a highly invasive plant.

7 Reasons Why My Trees Look Bad

Why do my trees look bad?

Trees are living, breathing things just like you and me. They can get diseases or injure areas of their body, and they have unique ways of telling us they need help. It can be hard to spot the signs of disease in a tree. So, if your trees look bad or unhealthy, there is a reason for it. Your tree probably needs the help of a certified arborist.

Just like doctors, arborists are trained in all things tree health. Sometimes those with a green thumb can help their trees recover, but most of the time, it is best to bring in a professional before things are made worse. Arborists are very knowledgeable and can help ensure your trees are safe and healthy.

When to call a certified arborist

Leaves changing color on one part of the tree

If the leaves on your trees start to change color, you should consult an arborist. The changing colors might feel normal if you live in North Florida or somewhere else where you see autumn leaves. But, it’s essential to check the other trees in your neighborhood to see if they are changing colors. If they look similar to your tree, you may be in the clear. If not, and your trees look bad, then reach out to an arborist. It may be a sign that your tree is increasingly susceptible to insects and disease.

Leaves dropping

If leaves are dropping off your tree, it may be an issue with the soil moisture available, a lack of energy due to climate stressors, or it may be tied to the tree’s overall health. In any case, leaves dropping from a tree or a tree that has thinned out recently is a good indicator that an arborist might need to be called.

No leaves

Just like above, this could be due to stress, root issues, or disease. A tree without leaves does not necessarily mean that the tree is dead, but may make your trees look bad.  Instead don’t try to remove the tree without having an arborist take a look.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Oozing sap

There could be a lot of reasons why your tree is oozing sap. The best way to explain sap is to compare it to the human body. The sap is transferred throughout a tree through the tree’s vascular system, much like blood in human veins. So, arborists can use the sap to determine how healthy a tree is. An increase in oozing sap, which is called bleeding, can be a sign of decreased health or disease. If you see a bleeding tree or your trees look bad, call your arborist.

Cracks in the bark

Cracking on the trunk of a tree is an excellent reason to call an arborist. Cracking of the tree can mean the bark, softwood, and heartwood are separating. If left without treatment, the tree’s structural integrity could be affected, leading to the tree being more susceptible to decay, insects, and disease.

Root problems

Seeing growths that look like fungi around your tree’s base may indicate that your tree root plate is rotting. If the roots begin to soften or degrade, this can create a disconnection with the lateral root stem. In the long run, this will make the tree unstable. Your arborist will be able to tell you if the issue could be root disease, deep planting, or caused by injuries from a lawn mower.

Falling tree

If you have a tree that is leaning or looks unstable. Call an arborist immediately! The arborist can determine if the tree has any issues and try to heal the tree. If the tree is unsafe, they can also help you remove it safely, so no harm is done to people, pets, or property.

As a general rule, it is recommended that trees get assessed twice per year. Once during the summer and once in the winter. But, if you see issues outside of those two seasons and your trees look bad, don’t hesitate to reach out. Issues with trees can progress very quickly, so if you see something going wrong, call your arborist. They will be able to quickly tell you what the issue is and give recommendations and solutions. Keeping your trees healthy will save you money by decreasing the possibility of future property damage or tree removal.

Best Way How To Dry Firewood

How To Dry Firewood

Why does dry firewood matter?

Wood that hasn’t been dried ultimately produces less heat and more smoke than dried wood. Also, depending on how green or moist the wood is, it may be difficult to ignite it. It is best to have firewood that has less than 20-25% moisture content. That’s difficult to know when purchasing wood. So, ask the seller how long the wood has been seasoned or dried and then look for large cracks in the ends of the logs. The larger and more defined these are, the drier the wood.

Tip: Wood that hasn’t been dried is called green wood because the inside of the wood can sometimes appear green.

What type of wood can be used for firewood?

There are a lot of different types of firewood. It is important to pick the right firewood for your needs because every type burns differently.

There are two main types of dry firewood: hardwood and softwood. Hardwoods are typically a lot denser than softwood, so they usually burn for longer periods of time and produce a lot more heat. They also tend to be less sticky and are less likely to cause tar buildups. Hardwoods are best used when you want a lingering, hot fire.

There are many types of hardwood, but some of the most popular are Oak, Maple, Walnut, Ash, and Birch. The downside to hardwoods is their price tag and availability.

Softwoods are great for any outdoor fire because they ignite quickly. They are also great for outdoor fires because they emit more smoke. Some popular softwoods are Cedar, Fir, and Larch.

Both softwood and hardwood are great for fires, but be sure to steer clear of the following types of wood:

  • Treated or painted wood of any kind
  • Wood that is still green on the inside
  • Driftwood

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

How to dry firewood

The most important thing to consider when drying or seasoning firewood is how you will store it. Ideally, any firewood being used was cut months before you burn it. So, it needs to be stored correctly during that time.

Firewood should be stored in a place where the wood can feel air circulating around it from all sides. This is important because wood can reabsorb water, so constant airflow is necessary to dry your wood. Wood can also absorb water from the land, so if you have moist soil, consider stacking your firewood on a pallet or tarp.

Don’t store your wood in an area with walls; it is best to store wood in an enclosure with a roof only. This way airflow isn’t blocked, but wood is protected from rain and other precipitation.

How long should you let your wood dry out? Well that depends on the type of wood, but if stored correctly, wood should be dried for 6-9 months before use. Research your specific type of wood to be sure you are drying it long enough. Even though it may be safe to burn wood after a 6-9 month drying period, there is no rush to use your wood. Wood can be used up to 4 years after the drying process has begun.


We sell dry firewood ready to burn. Give our office a call to check on availability. You can pick up or we can deliver. Have you ever seen live edge furniture? 

The Spotted Lanternfly Infestation

An Arborist Shares What You Need to Know

The spotted lanternfly infestation is wreaking havoc in the United States. This invasive insect species was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014, and has been spreading rapidly ever since. The lanternfly is a serious pest that causes major damage to crops and trees. If you live in an area affected by this infestation, it’s important to learn about the lanternfly and how to protect your property from it.

In this blog post, I’ll provide you with information and facts about it, including how to spot signs of infestation, USDA-recommended spotted lanternfly treatment, and things to do to prevent spotted lanternfly damage.


The Spotted Lanternfly Infestation

Spotted lanternfly arrived from East Asia in 2014. Since then, it has spread to at least 14 states and caused significant damage to crops and the economy. The spotted lanternfly feeds on a wide variety of plants, including grapes, apples, peaches, and many hardwood trees. While they do not usually kill plant hosts, they greatly weaken them and cause extensive crop damage, reduced yields, and increased consumer prices.

In addition, infestations produce large amounts of “honeydew,” which attracts other pests and leads to the growth of sooty mold. This honeydew also makes it difficult for farmers to harvest their crops. As a result, spotted lanternfly infestations have caused economic damages totaling in the millions of dollars.


Which States Have Spotted Lanternfly Been Found In?

The USDA has confirmed the presence of spotted lanternfly in the following states:

  • Connecticut
  • West Virginia
  • Pennsylvania
  • Delaware
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Maryland


Here’s a map of confirmed lanternfly infestation and spread by year

Could The Lanternfly Come To Florida?

The spotted lanternfly has spread aggressively in all directions from its original infestation point in Pennsylvania. They are not yet confirmed in Florida. However, the Florida Department of Agriculture issued this pest alert for them

The pest alert indicates that the Sunshine State considers lanternfly infestations and spotted lanternfly damage as highly probable. The main reason for this is because Florida is home to the lanternfly’s favored host tree, the Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima). Like the lanternfly, this tree is also invasive. It’s documented as far south as Hillsborough County.

This scientific model projects the potential distribution of lanternflies. It shows a potential nation-wide range that includes North Florida


What Does A Lanternfly Look Like And How To Spot One

spotted lanterfly 1If you’ve spotted a striking, large black and red spotted, moth-type insect sitting on your deck or flying around your yard, you may be dealing with a lanternfly. It gets its name from the characteristic lantern-like shape of its body.

In addition to their distinctive black and red spotted wings, spotted lanternflies also have long antennae and a yellow abdomen. This USDA video tells you exactly how to spot the pest.

Once you spot it, an infestation can progress very quickly. Before you know it, you could see dense “crowds” of them parked on their favorite tree or plant.

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What Do Spotted Lanternfly Eggs Look Like?

Along with learning to recognize the adult lanternfly, learning how to spot its eggs and juveniles is equally important.

Egg clusters are about an inch long and are typically laid on smooth surfaces like leaves or tree bark. The eggs are shiny and grey-brown when they’re first laid but turn more matte gray as they mature. They’re laid in late summer and Autumn.

If you see clusters of jewel-toned, red flying insects clustered along trunks and branches, especially saplings, you might be looking an spotted lanternfly infestation of juveniles.

These photos show egg masses and juvenile clusters.


What Trees Are Affected By Spotted Lanternfly?

Lanternflies affect at least 70 plant and tree species

Unfortunately, they seem to prefer several crop-yielding plants. Affected plants and trees include grape, stone fruits like peaches and apples, many nursery and ornamental plants, roses, cherry, black walnut, almond, hops, willow, and birch.

They tend to avoid oak and conifer species, although the USDA lists oak as at risk for infestation


What Are Signs Of Spotted Lanternfly Damage And Infestation?

With a little knowledge, it’s relatively easy to spot lanternfly infestation damage. According to the USDA, here are the most important things to look for:

  • Oozing, weeping, and a fermented odor are all signs of infestation.
  • Look for a sticky build up (known as honeydew) on the plant or at its base.
  • Be aware of signs of mold, as well as secondary pest infestations. Stinging insects like wasps are highly attracted to the honeydew byproduct of lanternfly feeding.


3 USDA Recommended Spotted Lanternfly Treatments

The lanternfly has no natural predators in the United States, and therefore it can quickly decimate crops and trees if left unchecked. Early detection and treatment is key to preventing serious spotted lanternfly damage. The USDA recommends a three-pronged approach to treatment: applying pesticides, removing egg masses, and destroying habitat.

Pesticides are most effective when applied early in the season before adult lanternflies have a chance to lay their eggs. Egg masses can be removed by hand or with a power washer, and they should be destroyed by crushing or burning.

Finally, the lanternfly’s favorite host plants should be removed or treated with pesticides to prevent adult Lanternflies from laying their eggs on them. By following these recommendations, farmers and homeowners can help protect their crops and trees from the devastating effects of the lanternfly.


What Should You Do If You Suspect A Spotted Lanternfly Infestation?

If you suspect you have a lanternfly infestation on your hands, you should report the potential infestation to your state. Most states with confirmed populations have reporting instructions. Click here to see if your state has posted instructions and what they are

Visit USDA Animal and Plant Inspection to learn more about things you can do, including conducting effective inspections and DIY egg scraping.

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4 Free Tips For Tree Trimming

What Are Some Tips For Tree Trimming?

Why should I trim my trees?

Health: Tree trimming is typically done to remove the dying parts of the tree to ensure the tree can continue to grow. If the area is dense, it also allows for the plants below to get more sunlight, which will help the area around the tree grow better.

Aesthetics: Trimming can also be used to enhance the beauty of the tree. If there are unruly limbs or dying parts of the tree, it is best to remove them to improve the aesthetic.

Safety: Trimming is also done to improve the safety of the people and property around the tree. If there are areas on the tree that are dying, those limbs can become huge safety risks during storms. They can easily detach from the tree and hit your home, car, or even cause bodily harm.

How To – Tips For Tree Trimming

The most important tips for tree trimming, is to make sure you are only cutting branch tissue, not stem tissue. You can ensure you’re only cutting branch tissue by making sure you only cut at or past the node of the branch. The node is the area where the branch originates or starts forming on the stem or trunk of the tree. The node should be visible on the tree. It can be difficult to determine where the node of the tree begins, so if you’re unsure, hire a local arborist to help!

You may need the following tools before you begin:

  • Safety glasses (highly recommended!)
  • Hand pruners or hand shears: Large scissor-like tools that can cut branches up to 2 inches thick.
  • Lopper: These are the stronger and larger version of hand shears and are used to cut larger branches.
  • Pole Pruner: These are used to cut branches that are over your head and can’t be reached with a hand shear or lopper. Some have poles that reach as high as 30 feet.
  • Hand saw: These come in handy for branches 5 inches thick or more.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

Dangers of trimming your own trees

Trimming your own trees can be very unsafe. Depending on the size of the tree you may need to be many feet above the air, using very sharp tools to remove branches or areas of the tree. If you’re not used to this, it can be very unsafe.

It can also be unsafe for the surrounding people and property. It can be hard to plan the trajectory of a falling branch or part of a tree and the dead or dying area might fall in an unwanted direction.

It also may cause harm to the tree. Not only would it be sad to lose a tree on your property, but a dying tree creates more risk for you and your property. If the tree dies, it may have to be removed altogether to prevent it from falling on the people and property surrounding it.

How to keep you and your trees healthy

If you’re interested in keeping you and your trees healthy, the best option is to hire Nick Mayl at Florida Tree, your local arborist. He will be able to treat your trees with the utmost care and ensure they have a long lifespan. It will also protect you and your home from injury during the tree trimming process and after. We hope you enjoyed these tips for tree trimming. We look forward to working with you to keep you and your family safe.

Here is Your Tree Trimming Guide

If you have a home, chances are that you have at least one tree on your property. Trees can provide shade, beauty, and fruit, based on the type of tree that you have. But sometimes they need to be pruned and trimmed.

It’s important to note that there are right and wrong ways to trim trees. If you do it right, you can help your tree stay healthy. If you do it wrong, it can be detrimental to your tree’s health.

Below is a guide to help you know how to correctly trim your tree.


There are three main reasons that you want to trim a tree – aesthetics, health or safety. Below are some explanations of why this might be a good idea.

Aesthetics – When you prune your tree, you are effectively helping to maintain the tree’s appearance and shape. But you should not try imposing a size or shape that’s unnatural on your tree. When you do a lot of pruning to your tree, it could end up damaging it severely.

Health – Sometimes you need to trim a tree to save it from a disease that it has. When you prune away affected limbs and branches, it can help your tree live when it otherwise may have died. Thinning the tree’s crown will improve its airflow, and this can be quite beneficial. If the tree’s branches are rubbing together or crossing, you should trim them so they won’t unexpectedly fall.

Safety – When your tree has broken or dead limbs or branches, you run the risk of them falling off unexpectedly, and this can pose a big safety concern. If there are branches and limbs blocking your vision while you are driving, they need to be trimmed. Branches and limbs sometimes will grow and come really close to the utility lines. If this happens, call your utility company and they’ll handle these types of issues.


No matter what kind of tree, there are some general things that you should remember when you are trimming your tree.

  • Do it while dormant – The best time that you can trim your tree is during the tree’s dormant season. This is a good rule to follow unless there’s a problem with the tree’s health or there’s a safety concern.
  • Check the branch’s size – Before you remove a branch, check its size. If the branch has a diameter of less than 5 centimeters, it’s okay to remove. If the branch is 5-10 centimeters, think twice. If it’s over 10 centimeters, you shouldn’t do it unless you have an excellent reason.
  • Check angles of branches – Look at the angles of the branches. Look for branches with V-shaped, weak narrow angles. The branches that have u-shaped, strong angles should be kept.
  • Do it while they’re young – Do your best to prune the branches when they’re young. They’re a lot easier when they’re young and you’ll have a lower risk of leaving scars on your tree.
  • Be careful of where you trim – Don’t trim your branches too long or too close. You shouldn’t remove the collar of the branch or leave a huge stub.


The techniques and tips below are going to help with guiding you if you plan on pruning one of your trees or you simply wish to become educated regarding the typical techniques for maintenance and care with tree trimming.


If it becomes necessary to thin out the crown of a tree, there are a few things that you should remember.

  • Make sure lateral branches are kept evenly spaced, particularly when it’s a young tree.
  • Prune away the branches that are running against or crossing other branches.
  • Don’t remove more than ¼ of your tree’s living crown all at one time. If it’s necessary, take a few years to do it to keep your tree healthy.

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So that you can give clearance for signs, pedestrians, and other things, it’s possible to raise your tree’s crown by pruning your tree carefully. Make sure that you’re maintaining live branches upon a minimum of 2/3 the height of your tree. If you are removing a lot of branches close to your tree’s bottom half, it’s possible your tree won’t be able to develop a stem that is strong.


Sometimes you have to reduce your tree’s crown. Here are some tips for doing it right.

  • If it’s necessary to remove over half of your branch’s foliage, simply remove that entire branch.
  • Only reduce your tree’s crown if it’s truly necessary. Prune the lateral branches which are a minimum of 1/3 the diameter of that stem you’re removing.


Below are a few more techniques that you can use when you are trimming a tree.

  • Before you make a cut, search for the collar of the branch. This grows out from the branch’s stem tissue at its bottom base. Search for your tree’s branch ridge. This is on its upper surface, parallel to the angle of the branch at the tree’s stem.
  • Always cut on the outside of your branch’s bark ridge, angling the cut down as well as away from its stem. Don’t’ injure the collar of the branch.
  • Use this technique for pruning living branches and dead branches.
  • If the stem’s too long, a technique called three-cut can be used. Create a notch upon the stem’s side which is facing away from that branch being retained. Then make another cut inside the branch’s crotch and above your branch’s ridge. Your third cut is going to remove that nub because it cuts through that stem, and this is parallel to your branch’s bark ridge.


Keep these tricks and techniques from this tree pruning guide in mind before taking on the task of pruning and trimming your trees. You will find that your trees are much more beautiful and healthier and that you can enjoy them a lot longer.


Enjoy a free consultation on your tree trimming needs from Florida Tree & Ground Maintenance backed by our 100 percent guarantee.


Get a quote from Florida Tree & Ground Maintenance today.

Reasons That A Tree Should Be Removed

If you have trees on your property, you may wonder if one or more of your trees should be removed. Sometimes the answer can be obvious. Other times, not so much.

We’re going to discuss both the obvious and not so obvious reasons why it may be time for you to remove a tree.


  • Tree has died – When your tree has died, it’s a good indication that you should remove it.
  • The tree is sick – Look at your tree’s top or its branches. Look for big dead branches and decay on its trunk.
  • Majorly damaged – If you have had a bad storm and the tree is badly damaged, it’s time for it to come down.
  • Too close – If you have a tree that’s too close to a building, a pool, a play structure or other items, it is probably a good idea to take it down since it can cause damage.
  • It’s causing a problem – If you have a tree that’s constantly dropping seeds, branches and sap, or it’s blocking your view and inhibiting growth, it may be time to remove it.
  • Root problems – When the tree’s roots are posing a big threat to your sidewalk, underground facilities, driveway or foundations, it’s time to have it removed.
  • Landscape renovations – If you are doing renovations to your landscape that could damage your tree it’s probably a good idea to remove it.

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  • Structural problems – If your tree has structural problems, it is an accident waiting to happen. It can pose a danger to buildings and to people.
  • Cracks – If there are cracks in the bark or in the trunk, this is another reason that you should remove a tree.
  • Too big – When a tree grows too large for the area where it is growing, it could be a danger to your house or vehicle if it falls over or if one of the branches drops off.
  • Illness or insects – If your tree has an infestation of insects or a disease that can spread to your other trees, then you want to remove the tree. Otherwise you may find that you have to remove more trees.

These are some of the reasons, both common and uncommon, that you will have to remove a tree. If a tree has problems that could make it a danger for people, your property, or other trees, it’s best to remove it.


Enjoy a free consultation on your tree trimming needs from Florida Tree & Ground Maintenance backed by our 100 percent guarantee.


Get a quote from Florida Tree & Ground Maintenance today.

How To Remove Unwanted Trees From Your Property

When you have a tree that you want to remove, it’s a huge decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Trees that are dying or dead ought to be removed because of aesthetic, safety, and health purposes. But there are also times when you should remove a live tree. These are when they’re interfering with buildings, utility wires, other trees, and driveways. But remember that once you remove a tree it’s going to take years for a new tree to get to where that tree was.

This guide will cover any tree of reasonable height and diameter, with diameters up to 10 inches, a height of no higher than about 20 feet. It’s also for trees that are on mostly level ground. If you’re on a shoreline or bluff property and your root system’s different, these tactics are going to be different.

If your tree is especially large, let a professional do it. The reason is that mechanical equipment and guide ropes might be needed so that they can remove the larger limbs before taken the tree down. If you’re removing your tree because it’s interfering with lines, it’s good to contact your utility company.



Check your surrounding area for any obstacles that are nearby like a fence, another tree, cars, overhead wires and other things.


Examine the way that the tree’s leaning naturally. You’ll get the best fall when you’re going with the tree’s natural growth angle. Check your tree for any safety hazards like hanging or dead branches. Check its trunk for any types of wounds because this could mean your tree’s center is rotten or hollow. If this is the case you should leave it to a professional because it’s going to be harder to control how it falls or your tree could fall early and put you and others in danger.


Before you take your tree down, have a couple of places to go that you can use when the tree is falling. There should be one on either side of your tree, and they should lead away from the expected line of fall.

After you’ve done your preparation work, you’re ready to take the tree down. What you use to do this is going to depend on your tree’s size. If you’re removing a bigger tree, you’ll want to use a chainsaw. If it’s a smaller tree, hand saws are best. If you’re not comfortable with a chainsaw, you should bring someone to do with a person who is.

Remember that it’s going to take time to do it. It’s going to take most of your day and don’t rush when you’re doing it. When you rush, it can cause injuries since you may not be comfortable using the tool or familiar with it. Below are the steps for taking down your tree.


This will serve as an aim slot or guide for your tree. This is a notch in the shape of a v that you cut into your tree’s side the way that you prefer the tree to fall. If at all possible, make sure its 90 degrees rather than 45. This angle will give your tree more room for it to fall before the undercut’s bottom and top come together. It should be a quarter of your tree’s diameter deep. Even though a tree as round as 6 inches is able to be cut through, it’s not a good idea since it could fall on itself so it doesn’t move. Even if you push it with your hand it might not mean the tree’s going to fall in the place you want.


This is made approximately 2 inches above the undercut’s hinge and on its opposite side. This will release the stresses that the tree’s back have and let it fall. Don’t make your backcut below your undercut. This will reverse the cut’s roles. Don’t cut through your undercut since you’re going to lose control of your tree then. The direction in which your tree falls is able to be controlled closely using backcuts and undercuts that are properly made. It’s important to note that any types of coniferous trees like balsam, spruce, etc are extremely sappy and sinewy and they can bind up your chainsaw, which can lead to kick back and possible injury.

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After your tree begins to fall, turn off the chainsaw and get to the escape path you’ve chosen. You shouldn’t admire your work since a falling tree is able to bounce backward on the stump.

Once your tree’s fallen and it’s where you hoped it would be, laying on the ground, take the next steps.


This is removing the branches at your tree’s bottom and go towards the top, removing the branches on the tree’s opposite side while you go. This way you’re protected from the chainsaw. Don’t stand on your fallen tree’s downside if you’re standing on sloped ground. You may accidentally cut a branch holding your tree’s log and this could roll, trapping you. Make sure you haven’t trapped a smaller tree as well and created a springpole.

There is a lot of energy stored in a spring pole and they’re one of the things that cause a lot of injuries. To release a springpole, locate its apex and then cut it with your hand saw or chainsaw.

Now you have a bare log. If you’re planning to use it for firewood, you should cut it into lengths of about 2 feet each. It’s a good idea to cut into your log halfway and then roll your log over to complete your cut. This will help you avoid running your chainsaw into the dirt. Branches can be cut to the length that is ideal for disposing of them and bundled as the bylaws of your collection company dictate.


Your tree’s gone and you’re left with its stump. There are a few things that you can do now. Here are some suggestions.


Use your sharp spade, pruning saw, and pick for those roots that won’t give up. This is an effective method but it’s very time consuming and hard.


The price for this will depend on the stump’s placement and size.


Drill some holes into your stump, then pour some chemicals into those holes. The stump will die eventually and decompose.


Leave your stump alone and it will naturally decay. Remove any new growth before it gets to 8 inches high so that the its stored food is gradually depleted. It can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years but it’s inexpensive, chemical free and easy.


This is a great option. Hollow out your stump by drilling a bunch of holes and then chipping out its pulp. When its hollowed out, it can be filled with birdseed to make a bird feeder. You can also fill it using garden soil, then plant annual flowers or vines in it. This is eventually going to decompose but it’s going to be a nice addition to the landscape. If you’d like to keep it from decomposing, add some varnish on the stump’s inside and outside.

As you can see, it takes a lot to remove a tree. But with some help and some care, you can do it successfully and safely.

Pruning and Trimming Tree Guide

If you own your home or a business, chances are that you have at least one tree on your piece of land.

Trees give us shade, they can give us fruit based on the type of tree that you have, and they can be a joy to look at. But sometimes it becomes necessary to trim your tree. We’ll look at some reasons that people trim trees and we’ll give you some tips and techniques to do it so that you can trim and prune your trees safely.


Usually when you prune or trim a tree, it’s for one of three reasons: health, safety or aesthetics

  • Health – Sometimes it’s possible to save a tree that’s infected by pruning away the limbs and branches that are affected. When you thin the tree’s crown it will improve airflow, and this can be extremely beneficial. If your tree’s branches that are rubbing together or crossing, they need to be trimmed so they don’t unexpectedly fall.
  • Safety – Broken or dead limbs and branches have the ability to fall off anytime, and this can lead to safety problems. Also, if you have a tree that is obstructing the view and making it hard to see when you’re driving, you should trim them so you can see easier. There are also times when branches and limbs get too close to your utility lines. If this happens, you should get in contact with your utility company.
  • Aesthetics – Effectively pruning your tree will help it maintain its appearance and shape. But you shouldn’t try imposing an unnatural size or shape on your tree. The amount of pruning and trimming that’s going to be needed could damage it seriously.


It’s a good idea to prune or trim trees when they are dormant. Even though it’s possible to prune pine trees anytime, you’re better off doing it when they’re dormant as well. The only time you shouldn’t wait is when it could be hazardous.

Make sure you’re conscious about the branch’s size you’re taking off. If it’s under five centimeters around, it’s fine to remove it. If it’s 5 to 10 centimeters, it may not be a good idea. If it’s over 10 centimeters, it should only be removed if the reason is very good.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


  • The branches that you are trimming should have narrow, V-shaped angles. Any branches that are U-shaped and strong should be left alone.
  • Lateral branches should be anywhere from ½ to ¾ of the stem’s diameter where it attaches. If not, you should let them be.
  • When you are done pruning, you should have a ratio of living crown to height of the tree of two-thirds.
  • Try pruning away the branches when they’re young. They’re a lot easier to manage then and you lower the risk of leaving really nasty scars.
  • Don’t trim branches too long or too close. You shouldn’t remove the branch’s collar or leave a big stub.


The techniques and tips that follow will help with guiding you if you plan to prune one of your trees or if you’re simply looking to become educated about the usual maintenance and care techniques for tree trimming.


Should you need to thin your tree’s crown, remember these techniques and tips.

  • Make sure that you are evenly spacing lateral branches, especially when you are pruning a young tree.
  • Prune away any branches that are rubbing against others or crossing them.
  • Don’t remove more than a quarter of a tree’s living crown during one pruning. If this needs to be done, you should do it over several years.


In order to give extra clearance for pedestrians along with other reasons, it’s possible to raise your tree’s crown by pruning your tree carefully. Maintain the live branches on a minimum of 2/3 the height of the tree. If you’re removing to many of the branches on its bottom half, your tree might not develop a stem that’s strong.


  • If you find that you have to remove over half of a branch’s foliage, simply remove your entire branch.
  • Only reduce your tree’s crown if very necessary. Prune the lateral branches that are a minimum of 1/3 the stem’s diameter which needs removing.
  • Before you make a cut, search for its branch collar. This grows from the tree’s stem tissue at the branch’s bottom base. Look for the ridge, and this will be on its upper surface, parallel to the branch’s angle at the tree’s stem.
  • Always make sure you’re cutting outside the branch’s bark ridge and angling the cut away and down from its stem. Make sure you’re not injuring its branch collar.
  • Use this technique for pruning living and dead branches.

If you have a stem that is extra-long, the technique you should use Is the three-cut. This starts by making a notch upon the stem’s side facing away from that branch you’re retaining. The second cut’s made inside the branch’s crotch and just above its branch ridge. Then the third cut is going to remove its stub because it cuts through its stem parallel to its bark ridge.

These techniques and tricks will help you keep your tree healthy and help you to prune your trees in a way that is safe for you. Remember, if the tree’s branches are close to power lines, call your utility company. They’ll come and take care of the problem and usually for free. The last thing you want is to cause a problem or be injured.

How To Transplant Trees or Shrubs

A lot of times you love where your trees are, and you leave them there for the rest of their lives.

But sometimes you have to transplant a tree that is already established. Transplanting a mature shrub or tree can be done even though it’s not as easy as when you plant a new one. There are a few reasons why you may need to relocate a plant that is already established. Some of these reasons are:

  • Adding to your home or doing a hardscaping project which means your plant has to be moved
  • You’re moving to another address and you want to take a favorite shrub or tree
  • A foundation plant has outgrown its current space so it needs another home in order to stay healthy and flourish


Before you transplant your tree, you have to assess the project. You first have to decide if you’ll be able to handle this type of job. It’s not going to be easy. It will require pruning the roots the season before you transplant the bush or tree, digging it up, creating a new hole for planting, moving the heavy plant that still has its root ball, positioning your plant and then filling both holes back in. You’ll also need to care for your plant after it has been transplanted. Don’t think about transplanting if you’re not going to give the plant water for a minimum of a year after it’s transplanted.

Be sure your shrub or tree is a size that is manageable. A shrub as tall as three feet and a tree that is up to an inch around (measured six inches above your soil’s level) are able to be moved without digging out the whole root ball. These kinds of plants plus the majority of plants that are between 3 and 4 years of age are able to be moved as a bare root transplant. Older or larger plants have to be dug out and then transplanted with their intact root ball.

So that your transplant is successful, you have to make sure you’re bringing as much of its root system that is possible. Generally, you want to have a minimum of 10-12 inches of the diameter of root ball for each trunk diameter. For example, if you have a tree that is 3 inches around, the root ball has to be at least 30-36 inches around.

The root ball’s depth also will increase proportionally. As many of the plant’s lateral roots should be included as is possible. Because the roots are close to the line of the soil, a plant’s root ball that’s 12-24 inches deep is going to include the necessary roots.

When you extract a root ball, it’s going to be attached to the plant and soil. This is going to weigh around 100 pounds for each square foot. So you want to make sure you’re having the necessary manpower or machinery available so that it can be moved. When you have a bigger tree, you’re going to have a harder time to transplant it on your own.

Autumn, during the latter part of winter and early in the spring are the best times that you can choose for transplanting. Your move ought to be done after the leaves have fallen during the autumn if you’re doing it in the fall. If you’re doing it in the spring, it should be done before the new buds are breaking. If you’re not sure when you should be transplanting in the area in which you live, the office for Cooperative Extension will be a good choice to turn to, or even a nursery.

If you’re moving a tree that is very large, you can use hydraulic tree spades that are mounted on a truck. Based on the machine’s size, it’s possible to transplant a tree as tall as 50 feet successfully. This has to be done by a professional, however, for safety reasons.


Transplanting is going to be stressful for shrubs and tree. Ensure that the plant you are transplanting will be up to this task. If your plant’s doing well where it’s currently rooted, it’s best to find a location for its new home that has the same type of characteristics. Plant the shrub or tree in the way it was already growing. It should be facing the same way that it was previously and getting the same level of sunlight each day. Mark one of its branches using a string or ribbon so that it’s simple to reorient it facing West, East, South, or North.

If your plant is not healthy, transplanting it may kill it. If you’re still set on moving your plant, figure out the issue, treat it appropriately and then postpone moving it until it’s healthy. If your plant’s not healthy, there are a few possible reasons:

  • Disease or Pests – If your shrub or tree is seriously affected or damaged by one of these reasons, you may want to replace the plant instead of transplanting it.
  • Sunlight requirements – When the problem is its environment, if it’s getting too little or too much sun, figure out the amount that it will get where you’re transplanting it.
  • Type of Soil – If your plant is not growing well, it could be because of the type of soil. Transplanting it may not fit this situation. Do a test on your soil and determine if it’s suitable for the soil conditions that exist. Adjust your soil’s pH so it’s a better fit for your plant or choose another plant that is going to do well in the soil.
  • Soil type – Poor growth may be a result of the soil and moving the plant may not remedy the situation. Perform a soil test to determine whether the plant is suitable to your existing soil conditions. Adjust the soil pH to better fit the plant or find a new plant that will thrive in your soil.

Below are a few more considerations when you are transplanting:

  • Trees that have tap roots that are long and vertical, such as pecan, walnut, some pines and oaks are hard to transplant.
  • A lot of trees growing in soil that is sandy might have a lateral root system that is wider, and tap roots that are longer than a lot of other landscape plants that grow in soil that is clay-based. This is going to mean that you’ll have more digging to do before you transplant.
  • You may think it’s a good idea to move a native plant from a wooded area to your lawn but you won’t have a lot of success. It’s better to choose a native grown in a nursery to put on your landscape.
  • You will have an easier time transplanting a deciduous plant than a conifer. A shrub will normally relocate much easier than a tree.
  • If you’re moving a plant because of a problem with space, make sure you’re giving the plant enough room in its new home.
  • Remember that after you have transplanted your plant, there is still going to be a lot of its root system left in its original spot. So you’re going to have extra work to do so that you can prepare the area for turf grass or new plantings.
  • Check the property lines, underground, and overhead utilities and right-of-way before you dig. Before starting any type of excavation, you can call 811 to help you with checking for utilities underground.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


    Nutrients and water will be absorbed by the roots of the plant, but those larger roots that are closest to the trunk of the tree don’t absorb very much. The little feeder roots extending beyond your plant are the ones that do that function. Pruning the roots will stimulate those feeder roots that are close to its trunk. Those types of new roots are going to get dug up since they’re part of its root ball when you transplant. Pruning roots is a very familiar practice when it comes to growing bonsai plants. It’s also very important if you are transplanting a mature plant.

    A shrub or tree that is going to be transplanted during the fall should have its roots pruned during the spring prior to the new buds appearing. If you are transplanting a plant in the spring, the roots should be pruned the fall before leaves have dropped. These steps should be as followed:

    1. The day before you do the pruning, water your soil. This is going to soften up the ground so it’s easier to dig and will help with reducing the stress to the roots of the plant. It’s also going to help with keeping your soil clinging to the plant’s roots.
    2. Tie or wrap your plant’s lower branches to keep them up so they’re protected and they’re not in the way when you’re digging
    3. Mark your zone area that you’re going to prune. Remember that you should include 10-12 inches of your root ball’s diameter for each trunk diameter inch.
    4. Start cutting your trench with your flat spade. The face should be facing away from your plant. An edge that is sharp is going to make a cut that is cleaner and make your digging simpler. If you’re encountering roots that are large, you can use your loppers to cut them.
    5. Continue with digging your trench and cut as you’re going. You should go down approximately 2 feet so that you’re reaching as many of the lateral roots of your plant as you can. While you’re digging, separate the subsoil and top soil so that you can return it to your trench when you’re done pruning.
    6. Once you have finished trenching around your whole plant, your root pruning is done. Don’t dig beneath your plant. Replace your subsoil before replacing your topsoil.
    7. Water it thoroughly and then untie its branches.


    Remember that there will be brand-new feeder roots that are going to grow from its cut ends. These feeder roots have to be included with your transplant, because this is the point of doing the root pruning. When you are transplanting, you’ll be cutting your root ball 4-6 inches from where those roots had been pruned.


    When you’re going to do your transplant, the steps that you are going to take will be a lot like when you did the root pruning, but with some important differences.

    • Water your soil the day prior so that the ground is softer, so that you’re reducing stress to the roots of your plant and helping your root ball to stay intact.
    • Dig your new hole for planting, and make sure it’s ready before you transplant. This hole should be dug 2 to 3 times the width of your root ball, but the depth should be the same. The hole should be moistened before you install your root ball for helping to reduce shock from transplant.
    • Tie the plant’s lower branches so that they’re up and protected. They’ll also be out of the way while you’re digging.
    • Remove your topsoil gently from the root’s top near its trunk and then mark that area that you’ll be digging. So that you’re including the roots that are newly grown, mark 4-6 inches out from your trench in which you pruned your roots. Then start digging on the outside of that mark.
    • Standing in the circle you marked, start digging using your flat spade with the spade’s face turned from your plant. Keep digging around your plant. Go down deeper, shaping your root ball while you go. If you’re coming across later roots, use your loppers to cut them.
    • Once you’ve cut around your plant and you’re to the right level so you’re including its roots, start digging under its root ball.
    • Before you’ve completely cut its root ball, put a burlap sheet or a tarp inside your hole alongside the root ball. Dig beneath your ball, cutting any of the remaining roots beneath. Tilt your root ball so that it’s on the tarp to be wrapped and moved.
    • Always lift your plant from beneath rather than by its trunk.
    • You have to keep your roots moist or they’re going to die. If you’re unable to immediately install the plant into the new location right after its been dug up, you should place it in a shaded area and make sure the roots are always moist until its transplanted.
    • If you’re transplanting a large plant to another location by way of the highway, it shouldn’t be carried in a vehicle that is open. Use a van or enclosed truck, or make sure the plant is covered. The roots can be kept moist by wrapping them in burlap or wet newspaper.


    Tarps work well for moving transplanted plants to another lawn section. If you have to move a plant somewhere that’s further or you have to store it for any amount of time, burlap is better to use. Burlap is breathable and it’s porous, so you can water your root ball anytime while you’re waiting to plant it. It will also help your soil to stay intact.


    A palm tree is an exception to the majority of the rules that are listed above. The new roots grow from their trunks instead of its lateral root ends like other tree. Because of this, you can transplant a big palm tree even with a little root ball. But you’ll also have to give a transplanted palm tree support bracing after its been transplanted because it doesn’t have the normal huge root ball.

    In general, a mature palm is going to transplant much better when compared with a young one. A palm also will prefer being transplanted when it’s a warm temperature. But this isn’t true for all of the different types of palms. It’s a good idea to talk to an expert, such as an arborist, before you are trying to transplant a palm tree.


    You’ve done all of the tough work. Now you want to do a couple of finishing touches as well as remember a couple of things. Here are some tips for taking care of your tree or shrub once it’s been transplanted.

    • It’s important to water after you have done a transplant, but there isn’t an exact formula that tells you the amount and how often it should happen. Factors like temperature, soil texture, tree size, and winds will make the quantity of water a target that moves. Make sure that the roots are moist but aren’t soggy. If there isn’t any natural rainfall you should plan on watering deep every 12-14 days.
    • Putting a mulch layer of 2-3 inches around your new transplant’s base is going to help with retaining moisture and moderating the temperature of the soil and that will help with promoting growth of roots. The mulch should be kept 2-3 inches from your plant’s trunk.
    • You should stake larger trees. Three stakes should be used and ensure the rope or line’s not cutting into your trees bark. It’s a good idea to slide your line through a garden hose section to give a decent cushion between the bark and line. You should also ensure that you’re driving your stakes into ground that is solid. You can remove them after a year has passed.
    • Don’t fertilize a shrub or tree that is newly transplanted. It’s stressful enough for the plant to acclimate to its new site. When you fertilize it’s going to stimulate new growth that’s unwanted. You should wait a year before you fertilize your transplanted shrub or tree.
    • Expect that your transplanted shrub or tree is going to take a few years before it recovers from you moving it. Your plant might not produce any new type of growth or have any blooms until it’s adjusted to the new home that you have given it.

    When you are going to transplant a shrub or tree, these are the steps that you should take to ensure that the transplant goes well. If you aren’t sure if you’re able to transplant it yourself, it’s always better to hire someone who can do it for you. That will help to ensure that the transplant goes well and that your tree is healthy.


    Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

How To Use A Chainsaw Safely

A chain saw is a very popular tool for people to use. But when you are using a chainsaw, it can be very dangerous, too, if you’re not using it properly.

Below are seven rules to follow when you are using a chainsaw to make sure that you’re staying safe.

  • Properly stand using a boxer stance. If you are right-handed, put your left foot a bit in front and at an angle of 45 degrees, with your right foot in back slightly. Your feet should be apart about the width of your shoulders with your knees bent. If you’re left handed, reverse it.
  • Make sure both hands are kept on the saw. Don’t ever remove your eyes from your bar while you’re cutting.
  • Plan the cut so you’ll know exactly where your saw’s bar’s going to exit your log. Remember, it’s not where you’re starting your cut that is going to count, it’s where you’re finishing it. This means you don’t want to go right through your log so it goes through to the opposite side and hits your foot or leg.

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  • Don’t let the pull of the saw catch you by surprise. When you’re cutting on the bar’s bottom, you’re going to be pulled towards log, cutting on the bar’s top is going to push you away.
  • Be aware of the nasty kickback zone. You should never dig your bar into this zone.
  • Be smart when choosing your chainsaw. Unless you have had formal training in using a chainsaw, you should buy a chain saw with reduced kickback. This is going to cut slower, but it also is going to be a lot safer.
  • Make sure you’re wearing the right type of safety gear. This includes things like protection for your eyes and ears, gloves, boots and chaps.

These are seven rules that you should use to keep yourself safe when you’re using a chain saw. Remember that you can seriously get injured while using one, so be careful and protect yourself and those around you.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

A Guide To Pruning Fruit Trees

If you grow fruit trees, whether you grow just a couple or you have an orchard, you want to know how to take good care of them.

One way to do this is through pruning them. Below we have provided you with a guide to pruning your fruit trees to get the best yield and results.


A fruit tree’s natural shape isn’t always best for the maximum production of fruit. You want to start your shaping process early, in particular to balance the tree’s root system and top portion.


When you cut a tree back, it will stimulate more vigorous, stronger growth from its remaining buds. After just one growing season, a tree that is pruned is going to be bigger than one that is the same age and hasn’t been pruned.


Trees need to be pruned to help them with surviving after they’ve been planted. When it’s dug, the roots of a bare-root tree were disturbed. Chances are that it’s lost a lot of its feeder roots, which the tree needs for absorbing nutrients and moisture, but it still has a full-size top. This type of imbalance often causes slow and weak tree growth.



You should wait until your tree’s dormant before you pull out your shears. This is going to be easy for you and best for your tree. It’s going to be easier where your cuts should be made once the leaves are off the tree. You should prune during the later part of the fall, in winter or very early in the spring. But consider your climate, since this will change depending on where you live.


Remove any injured, narrow-angle (these are the weaker branches of any type of interfering or crossing branches) , diseased, or weak branches, along with one of the branches of the forked limbs. You also should remove the upright branches and the ones that are growing towards your tree’s center. It’s important to keep the tree from becoming too crowded and thick and make sure its height stays reasonable. All of these objectives are going to promote an improvement in bearing.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


Depending on the types of trees you have, you want to use different pruning techniques. Below are tips for pruning various types of fruit trees.


These kinds of trees will do best when they’re been pruned & trained to central leader trees. This tree type is shaped like a pyramid and has a single leader limb to be the tree’s highest point. This leader’s the most recent extension of an upright, long growing trunk. This is where all of the lateral branches come from. Just like with all of the growing branches that are strong, you should head it back each year. A new leader is going to be produced by the leader’s uppermost bud. The tree’s lateral branches ought to be chosen from the shoots that grow out from the tree’s central leader. You should space those out vertically 4 to 6 inches apart, they should have growth that is less vertical and more horizontal and they should also point out in different directions from your tree’s trunk.


These kinds of trees will do best when they’re pruned as well as trained to go into a vase shape. This kind of tree shouldn’t have a central leader. The tree’s shape will be controlled by choosing and maintaining 3-5 scaffold limbs which arise from its trunk. The limbs need to point out in various directions, originating between 18 and 36 inches from your ground.


These kinds of trees don’t require any kind of shaping cuts. However, since they’re dense growers, you’re going to have to regularly thin them while they’re dormant to remove crossing and competing limbs.


You should prune back unbranched trees to between 28 and 36 inches above ground when planting. Once the tree’s new branches grow 3-5 inches, choose a shoot for the leader, then scaffold limbs.


Sometimes you should do pruning even when it’s not the regular time to do it. This is the case if one of the tree’s branches because of a lot of fruit or from strong wind. You need to prune it immediately. Prune back any type of ragged edges and make a cut that is smooth without leaving a stubby stump. The fast-growing sprouts are able to be removed as spotted. You don’t have to wait for regular pruning time.

These are the tips that you should remember when you are pruning your fruit trees. Pruning is essential for the health of the tree and for its fruit production.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

Is Your Tree A Danger To You?

One of the biggest problems with trees each year is when the tree or branch falls.

This can lead to damage to your house, car or other things and it even can cause major injuries and sometimes even death. Some people are afraid of this happening and they think about having the trees removed from their property.

However, if they have healthy trees, this isn’t always a good idea. Having one big tree on the property can add lots of value to the property or it also can help you with saving money on costs to cool your home. Trees also are great for cheering you up and making you happy.

So how do you know when the time may be right for removing a tree? Below are some of the signs that your tree may need to be removed. Some of them you can see on your own and others may need a more practiced eye in order to know when it’s time for it to take it down.

It should be noted that you shouldn’t substitute this blog for talking with a professional. An arborist who has experience and certification will be able to see trouble that other people can’t. But this is a good place to start.


To thoroughly examine your tree, look at the four zones.

  • Zone 1 – Your whole tree, seen from some distance away
  • Zone 2 – That ground beneath your tree, which includes visible roots as well as that ground surrounding them. This also includes the tree’s first 3 feet of its trunk.
  • Zone 3 – Your tree’s trunk
  • Zone 4 – Your tree’s crown. This its leaves and branches, which includes the spot where the branches are connecting to its trunk as well as each of the branches all the way to the branches’ tips.


Stand somewhere that allows you to see your entire tree all at once and take a good long look. Look at the whole thing, instead of the tree’s individual parts. These are things to look at.

  • Is your tree leaning? If it is, which way is it leaning? Has the tree been leaning for a while? Has the lean increased since yesterday, last week or last month? Is the lean towards the east? The trees that are leaning towards the east will be more vulnerable and likely to fall since the majority of winds are coming from that direction.
  • Are you able to see any large dead branches? Does the tree have lots of them or are there just a couple? Are those dead branches on the tree’s lower part? Just on one of the tree’s sides?
  • Does your tree have sections that have absolutely no leaves? Is there a sparse leaf cover? Are that tree’s leaves dropping a lot earlier when compared with other trees that are the exact same species? Do its leaves look strange?
  • Are the branches of the tree dying from the tips?

If you’ve answered yes to one or more of those questions, you may have a tree that is getting ready to fall over, dying, imbalanced or sick. You want to immediately have it evaluated by one of the certified arborists in your area. You don’t want to take a chance.

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This includes visible roots as well as that ground surrounding them. This also includes the tree’s first 3 feet of its trunk. There is two kinds of roots. The ones that are most visible are the large structural roots. These hold up your tree. The absorbing roots are smaller and they can’t be seen, and these are the ones that give your tree with nutrients and water from soil. Even when a tree looks vibrant and strong and has beautiful foliage, it still can have severe problems with its roots. Look at the trunk’s base along with the ground surrounding the tree’s bottom. This is where you could find the evidence that the roots have issues.

  • Pull back the ground cover, ivy or mulch and closely look at where the tree’s trunk is meeting the ground. Do you notice raised or crack soil? If so, your tree might be uprooting.
  • Are you noticing mushrooms near or on the trunk or roots of the tree? This is a big indicator of trunk or root decay. When the anchoring roots of a tree are cut, rotting or decayed, there’s a huge risk that the tree is going to fall over. If a lot of your tree’s trunk is decayed, that trunk may break or buckle.

Decay, root rot and uprooting at the tree’s base can mean situations that are very dangerous which will require you to take action immediately. Certified arborists can help you with determining whether it’s okay to leave your tree standing or if you should remove it.

Some other things you should look for when you’re inspecting Zone 2:

  • Deep holes close to the ground are going to be a very bad sign. Your tree might collapse if its trunk is missing a lot of wood near the ground.
  • Have you spotted any dead branches beneath the tree? If you have, chances are that your tree has more of them that haven’t dropped yet, particularly if it’s never been cleaned by someone who is an expert at tree care. Think twice before walking beneath your tree if you’re seeing a lot of dead branches laying beneath the tree. Arborists will also be able to spot branches you didn’t even notice.
  • Are you seeing fine or coarse sawdust at your tree’s base? If you have, chances are that there is a carpenter ant colony in the tree or it’s being attacked by small beetles called borers. If there is carpenter ants, you really have a problem since they only nest in wood that’s dead. An invasion of borers usually will kill your tree, though with some of the species if you catch them early enough and tree them you may be able to save your tree. That is why arborists are a good person to consult.
  • Cracks or raised sections – If you are seeing these in your sidewalk or driveway, this can be a huge problem. They can cause people to trip and get hurt. It’s a good idea to call an arborist so you can find out how to save the roots of the tree and still address the issue.


Your tree’s trunk is what holds your tree up and supports its branches’ massive weight. You want to thoroughly inspect that area of the tree.

  • Cavities – These can often be dangerous, based on how big they are, where the cavity is found on your tree, and their depth. If there is one that is above the level of your eyes, you might want to climb up and inspect it so that you know its depth and if there is decay.
  • Splits and cracks – When you have these in the tree’s trunk, they can be really dangerous. If you are noticing a split or crack in your tree’s trunk, your whole tree can break or fall apart anytime.
  • Missing bark – If you’re noticing spots where the tree is missing bark or bark is falling off, this usually means that there is a dead part in the tree. Look for some spots on the trunk of the tree where it has no bark, where the bark is falling off, or where it’s discolored. If bark is missing it also can mean there’s a wound on the surface, a fungal attack or an infection.
  • Missing bark streak – When you see this going down your tree, it normally means that your tree’s been struck with lightning. Sometimes trees can recover after this has happened, but if your tree’s turning brown a few weeks after it happened, the tree’s died.
  • Sawdust – This is often a sign of beetles and ants attacking your tree. When ants cut into wood that is decayed, there are coarse shavings left behind. Beetles which attack pine trees, known as pine bark beetles, leave things called pitch tubes and they look like sap that is the size of marbles.
  • Multiple trunks – When your tree has more than one trunk, they sometimes split and crack at the connection of the trunks. Connections that are strong look like U’s. Connections that are weak will look like V’s. Sometimes wood layers will be added by the tree over that connection so that the crack is strengthened. Following a windstorm, examine that connection in your tree at the point where the trunks are meeting. If that connection is high up, you can use binoculars. If there’s a line that is light in color that is contrasting with the bark’s natural dark color, chances are that the crack is fresh. Your tree might be starting to split apart. This should be considered an emergency.

When you are noticing any conditions that are listed above in the tree, you should immediately get in touch with an arborist. They’ll be able to tell you whether you can leave your tree there or if it needs to be removed.


This is going to include the branches extending from its trunk and the leaves. A very obvious and common sign that your tree is not healthy is seeing dead wood. When hardwood trees have dead branches, it’s easy to see them. If the remainder of the tree is filled with green leaves, the branches that are dead will be the ones that are bare of leaves or that have brown leaves on them. When pine branches die, the needles on it will be brown. If the branch has been dead a while there won’t be any needles at all on it.

Another sign that a branch on the tree has been dead a while is that it doesn’t have any bark on it. These types of branches are going to easily break. They need to be carefully removed so they won’t fall on something on someone. If your hardwood tree has a lot of brown leaves upon it during the winter probably is dead, except for the American beech trees since they hold onto the dead leaves til early in the spring.

Examine the tree for branches that are broken, particularly after you have had a bad storm. Sometimes you won’t even know that there are broken branches until the leaves have turned brown.

Pockets of rot or decay will sometimes be on a branch’s upper side and they aren’t visible to someone on the ground. That is why it might be essential to have an aerial inspection done by an arborist. This means that the arborist is going to climb the tree to take a closer look. This will especially be important if there’s large branches and they’re extending over your house.


It’s important to be proactive. Below are some guidelines you should follow so that your family, home and yourself are protected.

  • Make sure you’re inspecting the trees regularly!
  • Immediately have trees checked if you’re seeing, or think you’re seeing, any of those warning signs that are mentioned above.
  • You should have an arborist regularly check your large trees, once every 3 years is the bare minimum
  • If you’re having extreme cycles of weather, like a lot of rainfall or drought, it’s a good idea to have your trees examined more often.
  • Examine trees following extreme weather, like really strong wind, heavy snow or ice, or a lot of rain. When you’re walking around the house, carefully examine your roof as well. Punctures in the roof due to falling branches can cause bad water damage in the home.
  • When your trees have broken, dead, weak, or cracked branches, call an arborist to have the trees pruned. This should be done at least every 3 years, or sooner if you’re noticing problems. This is going to help with keeping your trees beautiful, healthy and safe. It’s also important to remember that tree trimmers shouldn’t be climbing the tree with leg spikes!

These are the tips that you can use to help you know whether or not your tree is ready to come down. Use these tips and you’ll know when you have a healthy tree or whether it’s time to take your tree down.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

10 Reasons To Prune Your Shrubs And Trees

Have you considered pruning your trees? You might think that it’s a good idea to do it. There are a lot of good reasons that you want to prune your trees, some of them to help protect your family and property, others to make your property look better.

Below are 10 reasons that it’s a good idea to prune your shrubs and your trees.

  • Vigor – When you prune a shoot that is growing it’s going to stimulate the production of new growth. Therefore, if you want some new growth on one of your shrubs, you should prune it a lot. Think about this kind of pruning if you have a shrub with a weak growth section like the back. When you’re pinching back some new growth using your fingers, you are pruning.
  • Shape – The plants which have grown so they’re not in balance with the plant’s growing pattern, like having awkward or stray branches and also the yard are all able to be reshaped with pruning. Shape – Plants that have grown out.
  • Restrict the Size of a Plant – This is particularly important if you’re living in a place that has restricted space. The gardeners that live in suburban or urban areas will often need to do some pruning so that shrubs and trees are kept from outgrowing their container, garden or yard. Root-pruning is another way that you can help with restricting your plants’ sizes in containers.
  • Allow More Light in – If you yard is extremely shady or you want to have more sun that’s reaching an area beneath your tree for the lawn or other plants, carefully pruning it will help with letting in additional sunshine.
  • Structural Soundness and Health – Any injured, diseased, dead or injured branches need to be taken off for the tree’s health. When branches are rubbing together they ought to be removed so that potential damage to branches is eliminated. A lot of maintaining the tree’s structural soundness will be about using pruning practices instead of things such as topping the tree. Topping trees can cause the tree to be pest susceptible and make the tree weak. It also can cause the tree to die slowly even when it’s taking a tree years for it to die.

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  • Create Some Special Effects – Pruning to create special effects often is seen in the more formal gardens. These are things like boxwood topiaries or apple trees that were trained to be espaliers. Coppicing or pollarding techniques for pruning also may be used.
  • Encouraging Fruit and Flowering – Pruning can help with coaxing growth spurs (which produces the fruit and the flowers) to form upon the branches of the trees. Flower buds that are strong also will be encouraged to form thanks to pruning. You can prune fruit trees lightly during the summer and this is going to encourage better circulation of air around fruit. This is going to result in fewer problems with diseases of fruit and help the fruit to ripen faster.
  • Protect Property and People – Trees that were planted close to sheds, homes, play structures and other types of buildings pose potential threats to the safety of humans if the tree should fall or a heavy branch breaks. They also can interfere with power or phone lines. Properly pruning trees can help with keeping property, people and pets safe.
  • Keep Your Evergreens Proportionate – When you prune your evergreens it can help keep them under control, particularly things like boundary hedges. An evergreen will benefit from being lightly pruned since it will keep the foliage denser and therefore it’s much more attractive.
  • Improve Appearance – The top priority of a lot of gardeners when they prune their plants is to improve the plants’ garden or yard. Removing unwanted, dead branches along with suckers will create pleasing shapes and will leave the plants looking tidy and neat. A lot of gorgeous blooming shrubs like butterfly bushes are able to create gorgeous blossoms because of great techniques when it comes to pruning.

Usually pruning will be about working with the natural growth patterns of plants as they are developing along with maintaining shrub and tree species that are mature. The only true exception is when it’s being pruned for creating special effects. Generally, successfully pruning jobs are going to leave your beautifully-shaped, healthy shrubs or fruit trees looking as if they weren’t pruned at all.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

5 Facts About Mangrove Trees

If you have been to Florida, chances are that you have heard of mangrove trees but you may not know a lot about these types of trees. Below are five facts about mangrove trees that are both educational and interesting.


There are more than 50 mangrove species cross the world. In the US, there are three varieties – red, flack and white mangroves are in Florida. They grow along Florida’s vast shorelines and they prevent beach-line and sand erosion during hurricanes and tropical storms. They are able to live in water that’s 10x saltier when compared with the water that other plants can withstand.


Wildlife are provided with nesting locations, roosting sites and wildlife and bird protection. The mangroves also give marine and aquatic life with a great food source. A lot of the young fish species go into mangrove’s root system to get away from predators. Turtles also make mangrove’s roots their home, where they can find food and safety.


One of the great things about mangroves is that they can filter the water through the root system. The trees are able to easily filter the runoff before that water gets to the ocean. The roots help with trapping debris from uplands. This is what helps with protecting coral reefs and sea life, since they can be destroyed or killed by a lot of sediment. The mangrove trees also help during hurricanes and tropical storms by reducing the damage from the wind to the areas inland, taking a lot of the storm’s brunt. They’re also going to help with lessening wave action as well as preventing storm surges from getting too intense.

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Mangroves helps with ensuring their own survival by letting the seeds to start germination while they’re still attached to the tree before they’re dispersed. This will give the seed a good head start so they can survive. The trees also have roots which extend from water to go in the air. These roots let the tree get oxygen.


The aboriginal people in Australia enjoy eating the fruit of the white mangrove. The thing about the white mangrove fruit is that it’s toxic if they’re not soaked in the mud for 7 days before they’re eaten. Then the fruit is twice boiled or roasted before it’s eaten. The branches then can be burned in a campfire so that sand flies are repelled.

The next time you go to Florida and see a mangrove tree, think about these facts. Mangroves are truly a fascinating plant.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

5 Tips For Chainsaw Maintenance

If you have a chainsaw, you know that it can be very helpful around the house. But in order to keep it in good working order, there are things that you should do to make sure that your chainsaw is ready to go when you need to use it. Below are five maintenance tips that you can use for keeping it running well.


When you want to make sure that the chainsaw is ready to use, one of the most important things that you can do is to ensure that you have the right amount of oil and fuel in your chainsaw’s fuel tank. This will make sure that it’s safe for you to use.


It’s important that you are looking at the reservoir for your bar oil. This is what makes sure your chain is well lubricated and reduces that friction in between the bar and chain. Usually this will need to be filled whenever you put fuel in your chainsaw. When you make sure the reservoir is full, it’s going to extend the life of the bar, sprocket and chain. You want to use the correct seasonal bar oil, too.


You can determine this when you lift your chain out from your track so that you can just see the bottom part of the chain’s teeth. This chain also should snap right back if you have the right amount of tension.

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Your chain on the saw might become dull as time goes by. If the saw is dull and needs sharpening, there is some signs that you should look for:

  • Your chain isn’t pulling itself in when cutting wood. This means that you have to force the cutting by putting pressure on your engine.
  • When you are making vertical cuts, your chainsaw is making fine sawdust rather than coarse strands.
  • There is smoke rising up although chain lubrication is working and you have the right chain tension.
  • Your chainsaw is bouncing and rattling when you’re cutting so that it’s hard to get a precise position.

If you’re noticing any of these signs when you are using your chainsaw, your saw chain needs to be sharpened or replaced.


Your chainsaw’s air filter keeps debris such as dust and dirt from getting into the carburetor of your chainsaw. This can have a negative impact on the engine as well as hinder its performance when it’s not maintained properly. Make sure that you are regularly cleaning or replacing the air filter so that you have the best performance and that you are preventing costly repairs as time goes by.

These are five easy things that you can do to ensure that you have a chainsaw that’s ready to go when you need it to work. They are simple and they can help you with saving a lot of money on repairs and problems when using your chainsaw.


Florida Tree and Ground is a family owned company dedicated to satisfying the needs of our customers. We have a wide range of services, and our goal is to make your life easier by doing the work that you cannot. If you have any questions regarding our company or services, contact us today, we would love to help!

How Often Should You Mow Your Florida Lawn?

When you own a home, one thing that you want to do is to make sure you are caring for your lawn and mowing it frequently and properly. It will help your home look great, it is good for your neighborhood’s property value, and it’s nice to view and enjoy.

If you have recently moved to Florida, chances are that you want to know how often you should mow your lawn, especially if you are coming from someplace that has a totally different climate. After all, Florida is hot longer than most other states.

Just like when you are in other states, how often you should mow your lawn will depend on how the grass is growing. When you make your mowing schedule, there are a few things that you should think about:

  • Grass species
  • Time of year
  • Weather conditions

For the most part, you’re going to mow your lawn a lot less during the winter compared to the summer. You should mow your lawn so often that you aren’t moving any more than ¼ of the blade’s height removed. When you adhere to this general rule, it means you aren’t going to be putting a lot of stress on the grass. It also will leave ample leaf surface so that photosynthesis happens.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.

If you don’t like mowing often, centipedegrass or bahiagrass should be used for the lawn. These grasses are low-maintenance and you only have to mow them for removing seed heads. One of the fastest growing types of grass is Bermudagrass, and this has to be mowed often. You want to learn about what type of grass is in your lawn before starting your schedule. If you aren’t sure what type of grass you have, you can always speak with a lawn care specialist.

Whether you’re planting a brand-new lawn or you’re restoring your landscape to the way that it used to look, you can do this by finding out what type of grass you have so that you can choose the mowing schedule that will work best. If you have any questions, it’s a good idea to speak with someone who is familiar with different types of grass and their care needs. That way you can give your grass the care that it needs. It will help your grass look healthy and green, and it will help your house and landscape look great!

4 Reasons To Regularly Mow Lawn

For a lot of people, mowing the lawn seems like a big chore that they find annoying. But the truth is that there are many benefits to mowing your lawn regularly. Below are four reasons why you should regularly cut your grass.


One of the best reasons to have your lawn mown regularly is because it will make it stronger. The best height is around 3” tall. When the grass gets cut, the grass shoots that are healthiest are going to flourish and the weak ones get left behind. When you are regularly cutting your lawn, you are going to have healthier grass shoots. This means that your lawn is going to be healthier and lusher as time goes by.


Chances are that you have seen at least one yard that’s uneven and patchy. It didn’t look that nice, did it? When grass growth is uneven, it causes this kind of problem. But when you mow regularly, it can help you avoid this issue. When you’re slicing your grass’s growth down to a uniform, short level regularly, it will improve its growth because it helps with evenly distributing and absorbing resources from the water and sun. It’s important to have consistent growth to have a gorgeous yard.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


Mulching is a very important part of keeping your lawn healthy since it will return the necessary nutrients back to the lawn after it’s been mowed. When you are mowing your lawn consistently, you can use the shorter grass blades for mulching. Returning these shorter blades to the lawn is a lot of healthier than waiting for the grass to be longer since longer blades are going to have fewer nutrients and they’re going to be weaker. The majority of mowers come with mulching features and you can mulch the lawn every time that you mow it, as long as your grass isn’t too tall.


There are a lot of things that your lawn faces. There are things like pests, diseases and inclement weather constantly. For your lawn to overcome these annoyances, it must be maintained well. When your lawn’s regularly mowed and maintained, it will recover a lot faster than when it’s unhealthy. When you don’t care for your lawn and don’t give it the care and love it needs, it’s going to be a lot harder for it to bounce back when it’s damaged.

It’s easy to see that it’s very important that you are mowing your lawn regularly. This can help your lawn to be attractive and healthy. One thing that you should remember doesn’t cut off more than a third of the height of the grass at once since this can damage its roots. If you are unable to cut your lawn yourself, you can always hire a lawn care company to take care of it for you. A good lawn care company will make sure that your lawn is cared for so that you can enjoy a beautiful lawn all year round.

6 Dangers of Cutting Down a Tree

If you have a tree that needs to come down, one thing that you might consider doing is removing it yourself. But this is often a terrible idea.

There are a lot of dangers that associate themselves with cutting down trees or removing them. Below are seven dangers that are worth heading when taking down a tree.


When you were cutting down a tree, It’s sometimes necessary that you remove some branches first. When you’re climbing up high, one of the things that you have to worry about is falling from the height. This issue is especially true if you’re bending or you’re using a larger unwieldy tool. If you’re using a ladder, securely tie it to the tree you’re working on before you bring your tools up or you start work. If you’re working at a height that’s tall enough that you could be injured if you fell, wear a harness that you attached to a healthy, thick branch that has no signs whatsoever of cracking or rot.


Since you have to remove branches and the whole tree eventually, you’re going to risk getting hit by the trunk or the branches. Make sure that you have someone helping you bringing the branches down safely when they’re up high and remove all possible branches while standing on the ground. When you are falling a tree cut 1/3 into the trunk, so the cut’s parallel with the ground, and then cut it downward at an angle of 60° to meet the cut’s inward end. This technique is going to create a wedge. It is going to ensure that when it’s cut from the opposite side, the trees going to fall in the wedge’s direction.


A lot of trees are close to power lines, and this is going to put you in danger when you have to remove the tree. You should especially be careful when branches are going wild close to power lines or telephone poles. Get in contact with your power company beforehand to find out if your lines can be turned off, or they can be insulated using blankets. No matter what, you want to make sure you’re taking precaution so that you’re not accidentally touching one of the lines when you’re working since you can’t be certain that it’s turned off.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


Even though using a chainsaw is going to make cutting down trees a lot easier, it’s also a very dangerous tool. Make sure you’re reading the directions before using it your first time and make sure that all are in order every time before using it. Make sure you’re removing anything which could cause your chainsaw to kick back, such as rebar pieces or nails. Don’t ever cut with your chainsaw directly overhead since you won’t be able to control the movement and you don’t want the chainsaw close to your face or in a position that’s hard for you to control.


Professionals who specialize in tree care also are trained in using the equipment like cranes, wood chippers, ropes and chainsaws for safety selling and disposing of trees. They also have the protective gear that they need to wear so that they stay safe while doing it. A lot of homeowners don’t have all this equipment that they will need, and they don’t have the expertise or experience that a professional has.


A tree that is dying or dead is often decaying from its inside out. This problem makes it very unstable. A lot of times professionals will use a crane to remove this kind of deadwood. If you believe that your tree’s starting to decay, it’s a good idea to get in touch with a professional for removing it before it suddenly collapses.


Along with the possibility of you getting hurt from a tree falling or from a branch falling, or from you falling out of the tree, there’s always the chance that you might damage your property. If the tree falls wrong or if a branch falls uncontrollably, it could fall and cause damage to your house or a car. A professional will know how to control it so that this is rare, and they have insurance if something should happen while they are doing it.

It’s easy to see that having a professional remove your tree is a better choice than having a friend do it or doing it yourself. There are so many dangers that professionals are ready for and homeowners are not. If you have a tree that needs to come down, it’s better to have someone come out and do it for you than to take the chance of someone getting hurt or killed or damaging your property.

3 Benefits of Pruning Your Trees Prior To Hurricane Season

If you live in an area where you get a lot of hurricanes or other strong storms, one thing that you want to do is think about getting your trees pruned before the hurricane season hits.

Below are three benefits of having your trees pruned before the hurricane season.


Strategically pruning your tree before a hurricane hitting will help with strengthening your tree’s overall health and improve the defenses of the tree. Trees that are professionally pruned are healthier, more stable and stronger, which makes them much better equipped to withstand the strong winds that come with a hurricane.

Not only that but when a tree’s pruned long before the hurricane season starts, the tree will have enough time for the tree to recuperate from the little wounds sustained by the pruning. When you delay having your tree pruned until the hurricane hits, your tree may be weaker and vulnerable because it can’t replenish the energy resources that have been depleted by pruning.


Another thing that pruning can do to help your tree is to reveal problems that you didn’t know about your tree. This could be things like tree stresses, which can require bracing and cabling to help the tree be stabilized. Without having the tree pruned, an owner of a commercial property or a homeowner might not know that the tree is unstable until it’s destroyed or damaged during hurricanes.

Additionally, pruning your tree also can help you find insect infestations or tree diseases which can weaken your tree and increase its likelihood to fall over when a hurricane or bad storm comes. If it’s caught in enough time, a Certified Arborist will be able to treat insect infestations and tree diseases so that your tree has a better chance to survive.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


Finally, the most obvious reason to have your tree trimmed before the next hurricane is to have damaged or broken branches and limbs removed. You might see some of them, but there could be hidden breaks because they’re up high or due to the tree’s dense foliage.

Having your tree pruned professionally will remove damaged and broken tree limbs that quickly can become dangerous or deadly objects during a bad storm. Having your tree pruned professionally can greatly reduce the chance of this happening. This can help you with keeping yourself, your family, and your property safe and undamaged.

As you can see, having your trees pruned before the strong season starts is a good idea. Not only can it protect yourself, your family and your property from damage and injury, but it also can let you know when there are problems before they become too bad.

This can make a huge difference and help you to save your tree and help it stay healthy. You never know what a good pruning will find in your tree and the problems it can help you avoid.


Florida Tree & Ground is the premier lawn care and landscaping company in Charlotte County, as well as Sarasota County. We provide our services to cities like, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, North Port, Englewood, Sarasota, and Venice, FL. Our tree services include tree trimming, pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, and more. If you live in Charlotte or Sarasota County and are looking for a tree service company, contact us today!

3 Methods For Removing A Palm Tree

If you have a palm tree, one of the things that you might need to do is to have the tree removed. There are several ways that you can do this. Below are three methods that you can use for removing a palm tree and the steps that are involved.



A few types of varieties of palms are thought to be valuable, and it’s possible you can make some money by uprooting the tree rather than destroying it. some of the companies are going to remove your tree, buy the tree and then it will be relocated. You are going to have to get a picture of it so you’ll be able to decide what kind of tree it is.

The palm tree type is determined by a few factors – leaves, the shape of the trunk, height and various other features. Be certain they’re visible in the picture.

Two of the most common kinds are Queen Palm and Mexican Fan, so they’re not thought to be valuable.
Kentia Palm and Chilean Wine Palms might be valuable.


Look online and see if you can figure out what species your tree is. You should search online for photo guides of different varieties of palm trees, then compare the picture you took to the online pictures to decide the type of tree that you have. Then you can decide how the tree should be removed.

If you aren’t sure, nurseries that specialize in palm trees or companies that remove palm trees may be able to help with identifying the tree.


Be sure the palm’s in a location that’s accessible. A removable service will need a lot of room for them to work. Make sure the area’s clear of furniture, debris, and vehicles. You also want to look and see if there are any power lines close to the tree that it might fall on when it’s being removed. If it’s in a smaller area, like in a yard that’s surrounded by a fence, it’s possible that it’s going to cost the service a lot to remove it, so they may not buy it.

Removing palms that are close to power lines or buildings also is dangerous, so you should hire a service that is professional. If the tree is in a tight space it’s going to be difficult to remove, so the company is going to charge more to remove it.


One thing that you want to do is consult the regulations about removing taller trees. There may be laws against removing trees that are tall. This is mainly due to safety because dealing with especially large trees can pose a danger to yourself or other people. If you have a really tall palm tree, you want to have someone who is professional to remove it.

An example is that if you live in California, it’s possible that you won’t be able to cut down a palm tree that’s more than 12 feet tall yourself. A tall tree will often require a lot more tools and workers to cut, so the company will likely charge more.

Contact a removal service that’s reputable. After you’ve decided what you want to do with the palm tree, you’ll have to find a company that’s willing to do the job. Talk about the options that you have with the companies that service your area. Before you choose the company, you should always look for the name of the company on the Internet to find out their credentials. You also want to read customers’ reviews.

If you are going to sell the palm, contact a company that does tree relocation or a nursery to dig your tree up without causing it harm. If you are simply cutting it down, call a service that removes trees.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.



Before you dig up your palm tree, research your tree. It’s a good idea to take its picture and search for it online. This will help you with figuring out if you have a valuable tree. Some of the varieties of palms are considered to be valuable by planting companies and growers, and it’s possible they’ll want to buy your tree.

If you have a valuable tree, or you want the tree to be moved without causing it harm, dig your tree up rather than cutting the tree down. A palm tree nursery or a tree removal company can help with identifying the value of the tree and its specifics.


Figure out how the tree should be falling. Stand in the spot where you’d like your palm to fall. The spot should be away from other trees, power lines and buildings. Detect the lean by taking a look along its trunk up to its branches. View it at other types of angles if needed for figuring out its lean, along with spotting any damage signs which could alter the tree’s trajectory.

Check out the regulations in your area before starting to ensure that you’re following all of the tree removal laws.

Plan to bring your tree down the way that it leans. If that’s not possible, dig out around 24 inches out of the soil around the tree’s roots the way that you’d like your tree to go when it falls.

Ensure the fronds of the tree aren’t tangled in the power lines or other things that are going to fall when the tree falls. If there are obstacles, it’s best to bring in a professional to help.


Use a rope to anchor your palm tree. This will anchor it to the grass and it’s needed in case there’s a topple and damage is caused, particularly if you have a large tree. Around Anchor the palm tree to the ground with a rope. This is needed in case the tree topples and causes damage, especially if the tree is large. About a third of the way going up your tree, wrap 4 strong rope pieces around the tree’s trunk. Each rope should be stretched a minimum of 2 feet from your tree. Plant metal stakes for each rope’s end and tightly tie your rope to your stakes.

Each of the ropes should travel the same distance from your tree. Make sure each of the ropes is tightly tied.

Another way that you can secure your tree is to stand some wooden boards against your tree. Nail one end of each of the boards to your tree around one-third of the distance up its trunk, then the other end should be staked into the ground.

If your tree starts falling, clear your area immediately. Go to a spot that’s out of the range of the tree.


Now you want to create a circle. This is going to go around your tree’s base. Measure the width of the tree so that you can estimate how big your root ball is. You should expect that your tree’s root ball is going to be around two times in width as the tree is, and this can be as much as 24 inches around. This can be marked by making the circle around your tree using spray chalk.

If you have a taller tree, the roots are going to spread out. If the tree is taller than 16 feet, the root ball may be bigger than 24 inches. If you’re planning to replant or transfer the tree, it’s a good idea to make your circle 30 inches or even bigger so that you don’t damage larger roots.


You want to dig in from your circle’s edge. Dig around your circle’s edge, and move your dirt until you’re able to see its root balls’ bottom. There is a lot of string, small roots that won’t spread quite as far compared with other trees. After you’ve found the roots’ ends, start moving towards the trunk until you’re exposing the root ball’s top.

Even though palms will need the majority of their roots so that they can be successfully replanted, a little damage to the roots isn’t going to kill it. You can also rent a crane to dig beneath its root ball so that the tree isn’t harmed.


Sever stubborn or long roots using your shovel. A palm is able to survive a certain amount of damage to its roots. It’s possible to prune the larger roots that are going beyond the ball. Use something like a saw, hoe or shovel for cutting through them. Place its blade on roots close to the ball, then press down so that it’s severed.

If you’re able to expose your root ball’s bottom successfully, it won’t be necessary to sever any of the roots.


Dig under the ball in order to free your tree. Continue to dig around your tree until you’re able to see the ball’s bottom. It will be necessary to get the shovel beneath the ball so that you’re able to wedge your tree free. After the ball’s exposed, you can move your tree.

If you’re unable to reach the bottom of your root ball, cut the long roots. If your tree starts falling, quickly get out of its way just in case your supports fail.


Lower your tree down. Your tree is able to be lowered after its roots have been exposed. Get some people to help you, since a palm tree is very heaven. Loosen your ropes on one of the ends, and then lower your tree slowly. Don’t stand under your tree where it’s going to fall.

If you haven’t cut many of its roots or you haven’t sawed off the trunk’s top, your tree will be able to be planted again somewhere else. You just have to have a hole that’s deep enough so that it can cover its root ball.

If you have a large tree, it will be necessary to use a crane for moving it once it’s down. Once it’s been replanted, you will have to provide aftercare, like regularly watering it, so that it will take root.



You want to take a picture of it and then search for the tree online to see if it’s valuable. There are some trees that are common and that will cost more money to plant somewhere else than they would if you just remove them. If you aren’t sure what kind of palm you have, it’s good to consult an expert.


Wear a facemask and earmuffs. If you use your chainsaw improperly, it can be dangerous. You should protect your hearing by wearing ear muffs that reduce noise and put on a good hard hat that has a face mask that you can flip up so that wooden shards that are flying don’t go into your face or eyes.
You also want to wear sturdy boots, gloves, and long sleeves and pants.


If you have to climb the tree, use a harness. If you are going to trim the tree so that its weight is reduced, it will be necessary to climb it. A hydraulic lift or harness will be necessary for trees that are around 12 feet tall or higher. Attach your harness to your tree or something else that’s stable, such as a close building.
It’s possible to purchase the harness on the internet or at home improvement stores. If you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself, it’s a good idea to hire someone to do it.


Evaluate the way that your tree’s going to fall. Stand a distance from it and then look up its trunk to discern its lean. Chances are good that it’s going to fall in that direction. Be sure your tree’s clear of the power lines. You also want to make sure it’s not going to fall on vehicles or other items.
Be sure that you’re following local tree removal regulations and get in contact with a service if it’s close to things such as power lines.

If you’re unable to fall the tree the way it’s leaning, it will be necessary to make a notch that’s deeper the way that you’re wanting it to fall. Cut around one third of the way into the trunk of the tree. If your tree has holes or cracks, it might fall in the direction of those damaged spots. Make sure that you know about the spots and ensure you’re working around those spots.


Make sure the area’s cleared before you cut your tree. You also want to ensure that there’s no one in the area before starting to work on your tree. A palm tree is really heavy and even its fronds can cause damage when they fall. Pets and children should be kept far away until your tree’s down.

You should know what’s around you. Make sure there’s an escape plan if the tree begins splintering, falling towards you or cracking.


If you have a shorter tree, you’ll be able to remove its fronds with a ladder. Position your ladder beside the branch you’re cutting on so it won’t fall upon you. If this isn’t possible, hydraulic lifts or nearby structures can help you get above your fronds.

When you’re trimming your fronds, stand above them or next to them. Don’t stand beneath them. Ask someone to help you with watching the tree and keeping an eye out for it to start to splinter or fall in the opposite direction. The person who is holding the ladder for you might be able to do this for you. Hydraulic lifts can be rented from home improvement stores.


You can trim your fronds using your pruning saw. Use your saw to cut through your fronds one by one. Cut each of them really close to the trunk of the tree. It’s possible to use your chainsaw, too, but fronds often are tough meaning that your blades are going to wear out quickly. You should change the blade when it’s not cutting cleanly through your tree’s branches.

Allow the branches that you have cut to fall. Ensure there’s no one beneath your tree while you’re working. If you’re unable to cut your fronds, it’s possible to cut the entire tree down. But keep in mind that the fronds are going to make your tree a lot heavier as well as affect its trajectory. The trajectory also will be affected by the wind, particularly if your tree still has fronds.


Create a notch at the base of the tree. Use the right technique for cutting so that the tree’s trajectory is controlled. Create your triangular cut at the side where the tree should fall. In order to make this cut, use your chainsaw to diagonally slice down around one quarter of the tree’s diameter and then pull your saw from the trunk.

This cut should be made at your chest or waist level so that you don’t have a huge stump left over once the tree’s down.

If you don’t want to completely take the tree down, use your chainsaw to cut your tree from its top. Cut around 12 inches off at each time and keep going until you only have a stump.


Cut through your tree from its opposite side. Use your chainsaw to cut right through your tree. Saw through your tree until you’ve reached the notch’s tip. Move quickly away from your tree when the cracking starts. Chances are that your tree’s going to fall in the direction of your notch cut.

It’s possible you’ll need to replace your blade more than once so that you’re able to cut through your tree completely.


One of the best ways that you can remove your stump is to get a grinder. Rent one of the power stump grinders for taking out the palm trees that are remaining. You’re going to have to go down through your stump and remove it one piece at a time. This will take quite a bit of efforts. You will need patience and just slowly whittle down your stump.

You’ll also have to dig the dirt around your stump so that the section that’s left is exposed. To make this easier, it’s a good idea to use stump killer made of potassium nitrate.

These are the three ways that you can remove a palm tree. Think about what you want to do with your tree and what kind of tree you have, then you can choose the right method for you.

3 New Years Resolutions You Should Make For Your Trees

Thinking of how you can make the new year better for your home and family? What about for your trees? The trees in your yard are a big part of your life. Below are three resolutions that you should make for the new year for the trees in your yard.


One of the best things that you can do for the new year when it comes to your trees is to organize your landscape. Look at the landscape of your house and see what needs to be done. What kind of goals do you have for the landscape? Hiring an arborist can help with inspecting the trees for disease or damage. You can also think about expanding the landscape, removing old trees, or planting some new trees.


If you are looking for something that you can do to help your trees in the new year, helping them to get healthy is a good place to start. Your trees need nutrients and maintenance that is going to help them with preparing to grow through the year. A good way to start is to do dormant pruning. This will help rid the trees of their damaged branches as well as encourage their new growth. When spring time comes, you should remove the fallen twigs, garbage and leaves from the yard. This will give you space to put mulch down, which helps with maintaining the right amount of moisture in the soil and stop weeds from growing.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


You get stressed, and your trees do too. Before your trees are entering the peak season for growing, one of the best things that you can do is to apply a fertilizer that is slow-rerelease. This will help with replacing the nutrients that are lost during the winter. This is also going to help with providing resistance from stressful weather, insects and disease. For trees that are overly stressed, bracing and cabling might be needed for reducing the strain from heavy snow or high winds.


These are three things that you should resolve to do for your trees this coming year. Not only will they help your trees look their best, but they will also help them to stay healthy and continue to give you shade throughout the year. They’ll continue enriching the life of you and your family with the right care.

Benefits of Tree Pruning In Southwest Florida

Do you have trees on your Southwest Florida property? Are they growing out of control? Are you thinking about pruning your trees, but unsure of where to start?

Despite the many benefits of tree pruning, some homeowners put this off year after year. If you’re ready to take action, but still have questions about the benefits, here are a few to consider.


Even the most beautiful trees can become overgrown and unbearable to manage. Through pruning, and regular maintenance, you can reduce the size of the tree, thus bringing it’s true beauty back to life.

Note: there is more than one way to prune a tree, so it’s important to consult with a professional arborist. The wrong type of pruning can cause more harm than good.


Regular pruning removes dead branches and other areas of concern. By doing this, your home, property, and family are protected from falling branches.

Also, when heavy storms move into the area, you won’t have nearly as many concerns about downed trees during a hurricane.

Florida Tree is the most trusted and top rated Tree & Ground Maintenance company in the area. But don’t take our word for it, see what your neighbors are saying about us and read our reviews.


This isn’t always a big deal, but depending on the location of the tree it can be a major hazard.

For example, if a tree is within close proximity to a walkway or driveway, it’s more likely to trip a passerby.

Additionally, by removing low-growing branches, you improve the appearance of the tree and your landscaping as a whole.


At Florida Tree & Ground, we have more than 20 years experience pruning all types of trees from oaks to mangroves. We can discuss your many options, including:

  • Thinning
  • Topping
  • Reduction
  • Raising

No matter what you’re dealing with, we’re here to help. It won’t be long before you understand the many benefits of regular tree pruning in Southwest Florida!

We Offer Our Services in Southwest Florida

Punta Gorda Port Charlotte Boca Grande North Port Sarasota Englewood Venice Cape Coral Fort Myers

And Surrounding Communities in Sarasota, Charlotte & Lee Counties: Longboat Key FL, Laurel FL, Nokomis FL, Osprey FL, Plantation FL, Siesta Key FL, Charlotte Harbor FL, Charlotte Park FL, Grove City FL, Harbour Heights FL, Manasota Key FL, Cape Haze FL, Placida FL, South Gulf Cove FL, Bonita Springs FL, Sanibel FL, Fort Myers Beach FL, Estero FL, Lehigh Acres FL, Fort Myers Shores FL, Iona FL, North Fort Myers FL, San Carlos Park FL, Tanglewood FL.